TC2014 2013-11-19 21:19
I am currently studying PCLL.I want to ask the following:
1. If I receive no training contract at this stage, do I mean hopeless for me to look for a training contract in a decent local law firm of Hong Kong? I just aim for medium size firms within the list of legal500, or those potential ones, or perhaps those in the tier A commercial buildings.
2. What are the usual salary range for medium size local firms? Is it too difficult to get more than $20k a month? How about $25k - 30k?
what are they?
3. Do you know which firms are still hiring for trainees in 2014?
Gossip_keke 2013-11-20 12:39
如果閣下甘壯意雄心入legal 500,
大firm TC 90%係留俾 intern?
睇你個case, 無做過intern,
唔好講local firm龍頭,
Sorry to be mean, I just hope more ppl can know abt the reality of this field
autumnka 2013-11-20 22:53
Do you mean that most or even all JD students do intern at legal 500? I am asking since I am interested in this JD program and know little about this field.
TC2014 2013-11-20 23:33
What kind of research do you mean I can do? Research the names of the legal500 firms?Definitely not a problem at all.
While quite a number of medium size law firms are in legal500, they dont necessarily offer more than $20k to trainees. On the contrary, some medium size law firms are not within the legal500 list, but they can be good and well-paid to the trainees. I just wanna ask the ppl here to suggest me and other TC seekers some other firms (that I may have overlooked before but yet have vast potential)
"睇你個case, 無做過intern,即80%機會你唔係JD友"
You seem to particularly emphasize the status of JD, so are you trying to mean you come from JD so that you can get the intern and TC from one of the legal500s. I am really much appreciated if you can provide more information about the prospect of JDers in getting TC in decent local firms. (I am not interested in international firms or Deacxx anyway because I am at PCLL already.) Are their GPA particularly high? I guess legal500 firms except international firms seldom offer internships but hire based on interviews.
From my point of view, except HKU JD, the employers of local firms dont treat JD from CUHK and CityU as good as LLBers because they tend to think JD is open for many ppl who studies as a second degree and were not capable to get into law school according to their past HKCEE and HKALE results.
[[i] 本帖最後由 TC2014 於 2013-11-20 11:41 PM 編輯 [/i]]
autumnka 2013-11-21 18:02
[quote][size=13px]From my point of view, except HKU JD, the employers of local firms dont treat JD from CUHK and CityU as good as LLBers because they tend to think JD is open for many ppl who studies as a second degree and were not capable to get into law school according to their past HKCEE and HKALE results.[/size][/quote]
This point of view is not fair to JD students and the perspective is not broad enough. This may reflect your lack of understanding about JD and the situations...
Gossip_keke 2013-11-22 12:35
睇overall background 啦;如果你1st degree Oxbridge, CPE你都入大firm
所以,if,閣下1st degree係Kent/Bermingham/差不多range的, 讀完JD可能出路同讀CPE一樣
Gossip_keke 2013-11-22 12:40
你有PCLL但無TC 丫嘛...
你依家應該send 你CV俾所有firms,
CUL8R 2013-11-22 17:43
I agree with Gossip_keke. What you gotta do now is to apply as many firm as possible, even, those local firms that you may not like to work for. Many firms are still interviewing people for training contracts for 2014. Once you get multiple offers, then you can talk about choosing where to work base on the prestige of the location or amount of pay.
You can, of course, consider taking a gap year or doing a LLM if you feel like you can get a better shot for next year's training contract.
Good luck to you regardless of your choice.
※LMH517※ 2013-11-24 14:59
[quote]原帖由 [i]TC2014[/i] 於 2013-11-19 09:19 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url] I am currently studying PCLL.I want to ask the following: 1. If I receive no training contract at this stage, do I mean hopeless for me to look for a training contract in a decent local law firm of Hong Kong? I just aim for medium size firms within the list of legal500, or those potential ones, or perhaps those in the tier A commercial buildings. 2. What are the usual salary range for medium size local firms? Is it too difficult to get more than $20k a month? How about $25k - 30k?
what are they? 3. Do you know which firms are still hiring for trainees in 2014? [/quote]
I don't want to be harsh on you, but not everyone gets paid HK$20K. You have to think about this from the employers' perspective. Why should an employer pay you HK$20K when it can hire someone better than you at HK$13K? Why would any employer do something so stupid?
Nothing personal. Even WKLL doesn't pay HK$20K, and people still queue up to be interviewed by them. Because training contracts are never about money. Training contracts are about training. If I were in your position, I would pay the firm money to be trained by them.
Aim at the smallest firms, if you want to be trained and get the qualification. Sorry, the world is harsh.
※LMH517※ 2013-11-24 15:03
[quote]原帖由 [i]Gossip_keke[/i] 於 2013-11-22 12:40 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url] 你好嬲,好唔甘心,我明;但事實又真係...你有PCLL但無TC 丫嘛... 我前面暗示咗啦你依家應該send 你CV俾所有firms,唔好再揀咩500唔500 [/quote]
Good advice. All job applicants should remember that employers have plenty of choices - they don't HAVE to hire you at all. Applicants need to be realistic and humble. Otherwise this profession is just not for you.
jimbo86 2013-11-25 00:32
all u need is one TC, so stop day dream u will be a big lawyer for now, the more time u waste the longer it takes to get your right to practice anyways.
the ones who think only about $$ usually ended up somewhere.
Nothing personal. Even WKLL doesn't pay HK$20K, and people still queue up to be interviewed by them. Because training contracts are never about money. Training contracts are about training. If I were in your position, I would pay the firm money to be trained by them.
Aim at the smallest firms, if you want to be trained and get the qualification. Sorry, the world is harsh.
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hellintruth 2013-12-2 08:56
"From my point of view, except HKU JD, the employers of local firms dont treat JD from CUHK and CityU as good as LLBers because they tend to think JD is open for many ppl who studies as a second degree and were not capable to get into law school according to their past HKCEE and HKALE results."
Your analytical skills worry me. If JD is for those who couldn't get into LLB in high school, that's why local firms don't prefer them, why would HKU JD make a difference? It's still a second degree.
I agree with above posters that you should just lower your expectations and only worry about "choosing" once you have received multiple offers.
nasg 2013-12-7 22:25
I think OP should seriously start finding a backup plan now.
No intern very likely mean no TC as Gossip_Keke mentioned.
In this case, you should lower your expectation even it is local firm.
workandwork 2013-12-9 02:15
you are not in a good position to choose. down to earth man