highbson 2013-12-11 00:15
HKICS 的Corporate admin study outline 有用嗎 ?
另,小弟打過去 HKICS 問:
1) 個 outline 印出黎有幾多頁 - 佢地答: 唔知
2) Corporate admin study outline 2011年既 version (2011 已經係最新) 可否用於應考2014年6月的考試 - 佢地答: 唔知 可能有新 version
3) 咁幾時至知有冇新 version - 佢地答: 唔知 announcement 未出 可能會有個類似 corporate law 既 study pack 出
4) 咁幾時至知出唔出study pack - 佢地答: 唔知 announcement 未出
5) 再問如果今個 diet 科 corporate law 唔合格 我想2014年6月再考 咁我仲使唔使買套新既 study pack (因為佢地話係 mandatory) - 佢地答: 唔知 announcement 未出
請問有冇師兄可以解答以上問題 ??
ping.lo 2013-12-11 07:54
Study pack 包了outline and past papers, 如果只計outline, 大約200頁紙左右。
133912 2014-1-28 11:33
is a bit early to ask as the result of 2013 dec diet has not been released and the plan for next diet is not confirmed ( i guess) . u can try after CNY