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R火火R 2014-1-16 18:27

如果ba ma 都係eng lang 但first degree 得2nd low/3rd hon 要入三大JD可唔可能?
讀JD學費要幾錢?讀兩年要讀埋summer sem?好似好多野讀咁?

italywinwin 2014-1-17 08:22

jd 30個度啦,你讀jd係想做乜?


creativea 2014-1-18 07:26

2nd low/3rd hon 香港JD你基本上唔駛諗

PG_student 2014-1-18 12:17

According to Professor Hall at CUHK JD information seminar, if you only get 2nd lower class honours in your first honours degree, the chance of having admission offer is very low unless you could get a distinction (equivalent to 3.5 or above in GPA) in master degree or have a PhD degree or get a 2nd upper class honours  (equivalent to 3.3 or above in GPA) in second honous degree.

So if you only 2nd lower class honours in your first degree, you may study a master degree from top 3 U in HK and aiming at distinction (GPA 3.5 / A- or above) and then apply CUHK JD/City JD later (HKU JD even requires GPA 3.7 or above)
Hope it helps.

[[i] 本帖最後由 PG_student 於 2014-1-18 12:20 PM 編輯 [/i]]

insiderall 2014-1-20 14:13

almost no chance
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