jimbo86 2014-1-22 15:54
what is that 2 bil us$?
so many digits is getting dizzying.
Is not exactly a small change.
These debtors probably hollowed out the assets of the co. and let it go down the tube.
File chpt 11.
or the way they say it as using good money chase after bad money.
Motorola has deep pocket need the court decision to write off these bad account.
=456我係剩女= 2014-1-24 04:37
[quote] There was a hearing before L Chan J today. Appeal against Master's decision. No idea what was the decision being appealed against though. [/quote]
There is an injunction hearing later this morning you can go and observe ��
jimbo86 2014-1-25 10:08
the plot got thickens.
most time u either instruct the lawyer / negotiator to offer so many cents on a dollar, but this time probably the offer be as much as 10c on a dollar.
who on earth would accept it?
wonder the injunction on which side and blocking what?