investinvest 2014-4-3 16:31
Don't understand. Does it mean he formally registered as a solicitor, paid annual dues, enrolled in continuous education program, rubbed shoulders with peers for the past 20 years? How can he do this? Someone who knew him in his university life should have spotted the fraud.
缺專業措詞 對方律師報警
四十二歲的薩勒姆(Amir Saleem)曾在求學時期修讀法律,但因於考試中作弊而未能完成學位。他此後偽造了多間著名法律學院,包括劍橋大學英皇學院的證書及推薦信,在過去二十年間,假裝成律師及腦外科醫生到處行騙,似足電影《發夢王大歷險》的主角,活在自己的幻想世界中。
他於一九九七年憑偽造證書,開設了一間律師事務所。雖沒有正式法律資格,卻騙得別人信任。直至二○一二年,薩勒姆受當地著名化妝師瓦爾姆斯莉(Lisa Walmsley)委託打官司。薩勒姆雖然獲勝,但他因缺乏專業的法律措詞,令對方律師起疑報警。
曾做「醫生」 呃失婚婦財色
jimbo86 2014-4-4 01:44
he has to be very good, if i were him I would have go back and get a legitimate lic.
or use his next 4 yrs ot get u of l LLb. But probably once u have a C record u will never be eligible to join law soc or bar either.
One law student got into trouble in BC and narrowly got admitted to bar in Ontario. he was super lucky. A few said that his integrity was questionable.
markpang1234 2014-4-7 00:29
以前香港都曾經有一位男士用假學歷成功瞞過律師會獲得註冊,佢由大約1983年起執業直至1991年被揭發都已經做左 8 年律師,所以世事難料,你以為無可能or難以想像的事偏偏就有人做到
jimbo86 2014-4-7 01:00
he was a prince from new territories, he never graduated somehow nobody knows.
I heard his wife ratted on him, as he fools around lor.
[quote]原帖由 [i]markpang1234[/i] 於 2014-4-7 12:29 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
以前香港都曾經有一位男士用假學歷成功瞞過律師會獲得註冊,佢由大約1983年起執業直至1991年被揭發都已經做左 8 年律師,所以世事難料,你以為無可能or難以想像的事偏偏就有人做到 [/quote]
jimbo86 2014-4-7 01:02
i read dude post as Dr too, thats much harder, as the skills are not so easy to acquire.
wilzon 2014-4-9 18:39
[quote]原帖由 [i]markpang1234[/i] 於 2014-4-7 12:29 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
以前香港都曾經有一位男士用假學歷成功瞞過律師會獲得註冊,佢由大約1983年起執業直至1991年被揭發都已經做左 8 年律師,所以世事難料,你以為無可能or難以想像的事偏偏就有人做到 [/quote]
jimbo86 2014-4-10 07:16
someone ratted him lor.
not long ago a famous dr. or researcher who did a lot of work with us gov. And kind of expert in aviation medicine.
He only got found out when he became too famous, state dept had to confirm his credentials because they were going to give him more grant for researches. The confirmation became his undoing too.Our famous son of superman L* of HK.
When his stock co. went public, all his credentials has to be audited too.
And we all knew he was another constipated termite, cannot pass the board!
Thats the problem of all Icaruses will face especially when they fly too close to the Sun.
[quote]原帖由 [i]※curly9hair※[/i] 於 2014-4-10 03:44 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
How did the authorities find out the truth?
[img][/img] [/quote]
jimbo86 2014-4-11 12:01
he is independently wealthy.
jimbo86 2014-4-12 00:40
with his unsavory past, he's probably as welcome as a piece of pork chop in a jewish wedding.
he's from NT area and those family had been in here preceed the british been.
look at big L*u he resigned from the chairman too.
We have a very rich fellow lived here in vancouver, his late dad was both a philanthropist and a shrewd biz man.
The son was involved in some infamous act, it does brought shame to family. He simply just absconded to the obscurity.