jimbo86 2014-4-24 13:28
I guess the real job for notary public as that is called in canada, is to ascertain the person's signature is genuine, as u have the power to witness his signature as the court give u special power to do that. U make sure the person has proper ID and the signature do match up to whats on the id.
insiderall 2014-4-24 16:01
There are two types of "notarisation" in HK. If a document will be used in the mainland, it has to be attested by a China appointed attesting officer. If a document will be used in a jurisdiction other than the maindland, it has to be notarised by a notary public. Pls see the following websites for details:
nanamama 2014-5-9 17:55
[quote]原帖由 [i]~☆cCc369☆~[/i] 於 2014-4-24 05:57 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=386521409&ptid=23193111][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I wonder whether it's worth getting the qualifications. Can you really make money out of notarizing documents? I mean, how much can you charge for notarizing a document? [/quote]
For documents to be attested by a China appointed attesting officer, the lowest price one is costed 1800 (for people who want to get marry in PRC and need the doc. for proofing he/she is single) (different firm may have different price as the lawyers' fee is not standarize), 1/3 of the price is charged by the 中國公証委員會; however, there can be over HK$10K for 繼承放棄 (depend on the how compliance with the relationship).
nanamama 2014-5-9 18:01
[quote]原帖由 [i]123cde[/i] 於 2014-4-23 11:57 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=386468744&ptid=23193111][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
想問律師樓公証要做什麼呢, 日常工作要點做, [/quote]
負責見客整文件安排律師簽署開單 (即係基本上一腳踢, 除左律師簽名個PART 同送件去金鐘中國公証辦事處個PART)
基本野要識 (好似邊份公証係O岩用咩用途), 因為個客上到黎只識講自己遇到既問題, 佢唔知要做咩公証 (好似上到黎話"我係大陸整房地產野, 上面既人話我拎住個張係香港身份証, (個陣房產証係用內地身份証登記), 叫我落黎做份咩鬼公証WOR)
nanamama 2014-5-12 11:24
[quote]原帖由 [i]beatrice.c[/i] 於 2014-5-12 06:59 AM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=387931895&ptid=23193111][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Profitable or not profitable?
[img]http://i.discuss.com.hk/d/images/r10/iphoneD.jpg[/img] [/quote]
lemoncoffee 2014-6-3 01:15
nglongtai 2014-6-3 18:48
normally the document is used for set up WOFE in China.
there is template, the law firm will draft and the laywer will signed on the legalization papers