海軍J尉 2014-4-30 16:42
小弟中5畢業, 只得會計高級文憑, 小弟很希望得知 以小弟這些非有大學人仕, 可以點修法律?可以點成為律師?
應不應該 去HKU Space 個到修讀法律diploma開始?:smile_14:
:smile_14: :smile_14:
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NKH2006 2014-5-1 01:17
[quote]原帖由 [i]海軍J尉[/i] 於 2014-4-30 16:42 發表
應不應該 去HKU Space 個到修讀法律diploma開始?
2年DLS, 3年CPE+MMU, 2年HKU PCLL part time, = 7年 + 2年 TC, =共9年 "無償"付出, ok?
若果首5年 / 7年已經衰左乜都無, 風險你頂唔頂得住?
全部10年內你都話duck既話, 上馬啦.
海軍J尉 2014-5-1 12:00
假設唔成功, 做唔到律師, 咁我覺得具有法律知識會幫助到我往後工作發展。
海軍J尉 2014-5-1 12:09
計回報, 但假設我過程中衰左, 我都可以有法律知識相關認可, 有冇助職場上商業發展?
3年CPE + MMU, PCLL part timE 費用大約幾多? [color=#ff0000]若果首5年 / 7年已經衰左乜都無, [/color]可唔可以講詳細D? [quote]原帖由 於 2014-5-1 01:17 AM 發表
2年DLS, 3年CPE+MMU, 2年HKU PCLL part time, = 7年 + 2年 TC, =共9年 "無償"付出, ok?
若果首5年 / 7年已經衰左乜都無, 風險你頂唔頂得住?
全部10年內你都話duck ... [/quote]
jimbo86 2014-5-1 13:08
any knowledge is power, law is useful, only if u know how to apply it though.
to use it well u do need to be around lawyers all the time inorder to let them to coach u too.
NKH2006 2014-5-1 15:19
[quote]原帖由 [i]海軍J尉[/i] 於 2014-5-1 12:09 發表
計回報, 但假設我過程中衰左, 我都可以有法律知識相關認可, 有冇助職場上商業發展? [/quote]
咩叫 "職場上商業發展?"
職場上咁大, 邊行?
商業範圍咁大, 邊個位?
拿, 簡單講句, 估你依家會做到既工, 若果你 交唔到差 / 跑唔到數 / 搵唔到客 / 同事相處唔到等等等等, 你識唔 _ 識法律, 識幾 _ 多都無 _ _ 用啦, 都搵唔 _ 到食, 係米先.
老闆搵第二個好洗好用就得啦, 同佢搵到錢做到野就掂, 識唔識法律有 _ 用咩?
同埋讀同做好唔同架, 朋友
又, 咩叫"法律知識相關認可"?
[quote]原帖由 [i]海軍J尉[/i] 於 2014-5-1 12:09 發表
若果首5年 / 7年已經衰左乜都無, 可唔可以講詳細D? [/quote]
已經有既學術知識/學歷又幫唔 _ 到你賺錢, 淨係得一身學費債囉.
海軍J尉 2014-5-1 16:17
如果要學識用到law, 都係要跟律師學先得?
海軍J尉 2014-5-1 16:28
[quote]原帖由 [i]NKH2006[/i] 於 2014-5-1 03:19 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=387083460&ptid=23216774][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
咩叫 "職場上商業發展?"
職場上咁大, 邊行?
商業範圍咁大, 邊個位?
拿, 簡單講句, 估你依家會做到既工, 若果你 交唔到差 / 跑唔到數 / 搵唔到 ... [/quote]
有搵過工, 做緊文員。
我都明白讀同做係唔同, 但我冇相關知識, 接觸去做既機會都無。
HumanForHonor 2014-5-1 20:41
[quote]原帖由 [i]海軍J尉[/i] 於 2014-5-1 04:28 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=387088004&ptid=23216774][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
有搵過工, 做緊文員。
我都明白讀同做係唔同, 但我冇相關知識, 接觸去做既機會都無。
2 年HKU PCLL 可唔可以係CITY U到讀 PCLL? [/quote]
PcLL最基本都要second upper la ...
唔好睇咁多tbb D港劇...
D律師勁多野做勁躁底.. 成日要帶埋啊媽返工
yiyiallall 2014-5-4 00:12
[quote]原帖由 [i]beatrice.c[/i] 於 2014-4-30 05:21 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=387015605&ptid=23216774][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
[img]http://i.discuss.com.hk/d/images/r10/iphoneD.jpg[/img] [/quote]
lazybiitchin 2014-5-10 23:53
Are you kidding me? F.5 grad and you wanna become a lawyer?
With all due respect, your chance of becoming a lawyer is de minimus.
But if you feel that you really need to:
- enroll F.6 and the DSE course, get at least 1A2B (or 1 5** 2 * - what a retarded grading system )
-get into the LLB Law course at HKU, CUHK or City U.
- get a 2.1 in your LLB - that means you need to beat 50% of your classmates (most of whom are DSE high achievers)
- get into PCLL
- complete PCLL - pass ALL of the perhaps 70 exams in one year, though resits are allowed
- find a law firm that hires you as a trainee solicitor
Man, if i were you i seriously wound't bother.
2 friends of mine studied LLB at HKU, and another U in the UK, both of whom couldn't get into PCLL. So a legal career was adios for them.
One started a website called 9gag. Needless to say, he is making a HUGE fortune.
Another friend started a website that sells clothes, and she seems to be doing quite well. See [url]http://www.IMCloset.com[/url]
The point is, being a lawyer is a LOT more work than you expected, and a lot less rewarding that you thought.
And better yet, you might actually do better than lawyers if you do something you are actually good at.
gundamalex 2014-5-11 08:45
我還以為考做律師好容易。讀普通 cert legal studies 做果LE,會否容易?
jimbo86 2014-5-11 10:22
2 friends of mine studied LLB at HKU, and another U in the UK, both of whom couldn't get into PCLL. So a legal career was adios for them.
your fnd from hku got to be the real also ran, the grades were barely a pass! Usually they will accept hku grad first then other grads.
not getting a lic is never the end of the world. As long as u have the brain to think.
你快樂嗎? 2014-5-15 14:04
[quote]原帖由 [i]lazybiitchin[/i] 於 2014-5-10 11:53 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=387825242&ptid=23216774][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Are you kidding me? F.5 grad and you wanna become a lawyer?
With all due respect, your chance of becoming a lawyer is de minimus.
But if you feel that you really need to:
- enroll F.6 and the ... [/quote]wow one of the 9gag.com founders were LLB grad? amazed. one of my most frequently visited sites ard 2-3 yrs ago.
kameiryou 2014-5-15 17:04
To become a lawyer is always difficult. People got brainwashed by tbb soap....
In case of 樓主, if u have endless time and money, the following is your road in the next 10 years:-
LE (Diploma) (2 yrs) + High Dip (1 yr) + Top-up degree (~1 yr) + CPE (3 yrs) + PCLL (2 yrs) + training contract (2 yrs) before you get qualified
If you stop at any one stage before PCLL you will end up as a paralegal at most in the legal field, starting salary is slightly highly than a normal clerk, lets say around HK$10K, but then there is no way u can climb up for a higher position.
Even if you get into PCLL dun imagine u can get a decent salary for training contract, the minimum pay for trainee is set for HK$12K, and I do know there are firms paying at this level.
Do you still think it worth spending 9 years?
nerve 2014-5-25 02:08
so discouraging.....
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jimbo86 2014-5-26 11:56
maybe 1 to 5000 odd? perhaps late great Jimmy the Greek Snyder the famous bookie may take your book making.
yahoohehe 2014-6-5 21:21
Yes it is definitely really tough