emailforreg 2014-5-18 17:53
剛考完hkics, 宜家做緊listed co co sec, 因為之前完全未做過,好多實務上既野都唔係好識,聽閒有一套co sec 天書,係邊本?另外,請問大家有冇一啲checklist 或者manual list out 幾次要file 啲乜?例如:interim /annual audit co sec 要做乜,幾時要通知director & staff停止買賣公司股票,幾時要話俾computer share 知setting stop trade date,等等⋯⋯AGM EGM co sec 要準備啲咩,有咩特別既filing/ announcement 日子等等⋯⋯
s.siuling 2014-5-21 00:57
[font=Times New Roman]Have you checked out the listing rules and regulations?[/font]
lemoncoffee 2014-6-3 01:12
所謂天書:The Hong Kong Company Secretary's Handbook
你做Listed Co, listing rules 都要識
最起碼chapters 3, 14, 14A, 10, 15, 17 & Practice Note 5, 11 一定要非常熟,熟到發夢都背得出