MeDiuYouLa 2014-5-19 11:03
我想問...咁樣等唔等於呢個人搵既錢,o係法律界既身份地位(if there is such a thing),甚至打官司既能力,都會高過o係資歷排名較低既資深大律師chamber 或者一般律師樓工作o既大律師???
同埋其實要入到一個資歷高既資深大律師間chamber難d,定係入一間magic circle難d?
簡單d講..即係o係top資深大律師chamber做律師定o係magic circle做律師型d?
jimbo86 2014-5-20 08:10
if your name is closer to the top u got to have certain influence in the firm or chamber.
magic circle = solicitor firm, is different than chambers.
go look up the work of bar & soli.
MeDiuYouLa 2014-5-20 17:56
[quote]原帖由 [i]jimbo86[/i] 於 2014-5-20 08:10 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
if your name is closer to the top u got to have certain influence in the firm or chamber.
magic circle = solicitor firm, is different than chambers.
go look up the work of bar & soli. [/quote]
yeah i know the difference between bar and soli.
but what i mean is, if a lawyer is working for the top 5 most experienced SC, does that mean his hourly fee is definitely higher than lawyers working for less experienced SC?
jimbo86 2014-5-21 13:01
u already have the answers.
say if u are the top 5 in the firm then will u let a new guy's name ahead of u?
MeDiuYouLa 2014-5-21 14:02
[quote]原帖由 [i]jimbo86[/i] 於 2014-5-21 01:01 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
u already have the answers.
say if u are the top 5 in the firm then will u let a new guy's name ahead of u? [/quote] are misunderstanding me but never mind....:smile_42:
jimbo86 2014-5-21 15:36
not sure in hk, in canada one can charge as how many yrs in practice.
then if u dont have enough exp to back u up then u are like someone who had driving lic but didnt drive much at all.
And for a bar, should u have been losing many cases lately then your partners may even tell u to find a better place so as not to embarrassing the folks here lor.