backbencher 2014-5-23 07:30
[quote]原帖由 [i]beatrice.c[/i] 於 2014-5-22 09:36 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Don't study law. The chances of you getting a PCLL place is close to zero. [/quote]
你憑咩判斷人地入PCLL 機會接近零呢?
超級曼聯迷 2014-5-23 09:06
stay with the police force, but you could get a llb or llm to make your cv better in the police force
超級曼聯迷 2014-5-23 09:06
senior police inspector has a max point of 69-70
plus 10 years housing 2.5 percent disciplinary force benefit payment and at least 15 percent mpf
there is no guarantee that you could secure all these in legal field
[[i] 本帖最後由 超級曼聯迷 於 2014-5-23 09:11 AM 使用[url=][img=100,23] [/img][/url] 編輯 [/i]]
jimbo86 2014-5-24 14:29
were u a PI now?
U could still do p/t uol llb too, when u finish your degree it will look good to have it under your belt.
then u have no pressure to get into pcll or not. as long as u have llb that's important.
johnnyjohnny 2014-6-5 10:31
i dont see why you wanna move on to the legal field if you're currently a SIP, if u expect yourself to be a mediocre lawyer and feel happy with a monthly income of 70k.
the risk / reward is apparently imbalanced
why bother?
yahoohehe 2014-6-5 17:16
The point is, I don't think she is a police inspector yet. If she was then she must have some serious problem to quit. It just doesn't make sense.
[[i] 本帖最後由 yahoohehe 於 2014-6-5 05:17 PM 編輯 [/i]]