查看完整版本 : How hard to get a TC offer after interning at US/UK law firm?

biggapples 2014-6-8 18:22

Hi Guys

Just wanted to know some more info. : Smile_41:

What do you think is the probability of getting a TC offer from these big US/UK firms if you are a place in their summer/winter internship program.

I dont know any friends who have gotten an offer... : Funk:

靚俊 2014-6-8 20:36

I instead would like to know how to get a TC offer without interning there during summer/winter break

biggapples 2014-6-8 21:26

Yes i agree.
I hear it is very competitive/hard to get a straight Tc offer without doing internship.
But at the same time, i have also heard that not everyone will get a TC offer even if they do the internship. I hope to hear from some interns of their experience. Where you given a offer for TC?  : Smile_14:

皊* 2014-6-9 14:00

I interned at a city firm last year and didn't manage to get a TC back then.  The firm I worked for took nearly 40 interns but only offered 12 TC in the end.  There were a lot of assessments like written test, presentation, group discussion etc. on top of your daily work and every one of them counted towards the final assessment.  Also there were a lot of social events such as boat trip, service trip, or drink event.  Every member of our respective team / department could email or write feedback to the HR about our performance.  Each of us also got a supervising partner to do the appraisal at the end of the internship.  

So in short there're a lot of tasks that you have to deal with within that month, and the environment is super competitive.  It's hard to derive a formula or checklist that will definitely help you to get a TC because each firm has their own agenda and priorities.  Sometimes it can be personality, presentation skills, academics, or even connections.  Ask for opinion from seniors or people in the industry will definitely help.

biggapples 2014-6-9 15:41

Thanks 皊.

It understand what you mean.

Interning with a big city firm like Bakxx Mxxxxxx, Hogan Lxxxxx sounds super challenging. Especially if you have less than a 40% chance of getting a TC.

Do you think the U.S law firms will be better with their offers?

Also, do you think they prefer law students with overseas degrees over local students? Thanks

皊* 2014-6-10 01:28

What kind of US firms are you referring to? Such as Paxx Haxxxxxx or Daxxx Poxx? I'd say they tend to be much more corporate and you really have to be their kind of people in order to get in.  Sometimes it can be even harder when you don't have that corporate or commercial awareness that they always emphasize.

And I'd say overseas experience is a must, but overseas students do not necessarily have advantage over local students.  Some firms actually prefer local students more but with overseas experience like exchange.  They will be more familiar with local law and tend to have better Chinese drafting skills and more fluent in Mandarin.  But of course local students with no overseas experience with be at the bottom of the competition.

yahoohehe 2014-6-10 03:31

Wow, to get an internship in a city firm seems really impressive. I am really curious about what kind of people they are looking for. Could u kindly give some examples of character traits they look for?

Each firm maybe different slightly but surely there must be certain traits that some firm look for or some traits common to all.


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biggapples 2014-6-10 05:28

Thanks 皊, I see.

Yep  I am referring to Davxx Pxxx, Pxxx Hxxxxxxx, Cleaxx Goxxxxxx, Skaxxxx etc.

Do you know anyone who got a TC offer... what were their successful qualities in your opinion?

皊* 2014-6-11 00:47

I do know a lot of people around who are trainees-to-be or currently working at city firms. As the above two posts are asking for qualities / character traits so I'll answer that together : )

I think you have to be really presentable and sociable in the first place.  Being a solicitor at a city firm is not about academic merits only, but also networking, how well can you please your client and whether you can build up a firm client base.  That all goes to your presentation skills, like for newly established firms you have to pitch so the firms want all the confident candidates which outstanding advocacy, and sociability that you get to bond with others easily.  That's why almost all of the firms have assessments like presentation and social events.  But you do not want to over-do it at the social events, like only gather around the partners and recruitment managers, i.e. the "big names" of the firms, which will ruin your chances for sure.  

Generally city firms focus on corporate practice (especially US firms, but some are exceptions such as Clxxx & Co who is more litigation-type I think) so you'll need great commercial awareness.  It's hard to define in exact what does that mean, but broadly speaking you'll have to follow the market, know the regulatory framework and how does that affect the client's business.  It's a sense that needs to be developed and the most tricky point which can surely distinguish the stronger candidates.

[[i] 本帖最後由 皊* 於 2014-6-11 12:49 AM 編輯 [/i]]

yahoohehe 2014-6-11 03:48

[quote]原帖由 [i]皊*[/i] 於 2014-6-11 12:47 AM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=390145915&ptid=23378460][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I do know a lot of people around who are trainees-to-be or currently working at city firms. As the above two posts are asking for qualities / character traits so I'll answer that together : )

I thi ... [/quote]
Thanks a lot! Your post is really informative as always.

biggapples 2014-6-11 10:33

Thanks!! Really helpful :D
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