查看完整版本 : bank vs compliance

fpfpsurewin 2014-6-19 20:09

本人u grad, 本身係獅子銀行既small potato, 因為對compliance有d興趣, 就去左一間上市既證券行試下, 點知真係請
你地覺得我應該留係銀行再等機會internal transfer定真係去試下證券行?

[[i] 本帖最後由 fpfpsurewin 於 2014-6-19 08:36 PM 編輯 [/i]]

a080250 2014-6-19 20:34


fpfpsurewin 2014-6-19 23:34

sorry ah,, 寫少左個0

jimbo86 2014-6-20 00:27

for compliance is very simple, u have to know the rule inorder to let people know if they are legal or illegal.
u understand this part do  u? so who will u be enforcing the rule to? and if they take u for the job then u may try. but u may be out of a job real soon if u cannot handle the job too.
the rest is hard to tell u what u should do.
best to ask psychic or ask his Divine Wong Tai Sin.
what basis to give u important advice here?

mummumbabybay 2014-6-20 07:32

[quote]原帖由 [i]fpfpsurewin[/i] 於 2014-6-19 08:09 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=390817427&ptid=23422100][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
本人u grad, 本身係獅子銀行既small potato, 因為對compliance有d興趣, 就去左一間上市既證券行試下, 點知真係請
其實證券行既compliance好唔好做?好唔好pay?做2,3年 ... [/quote]
Assuming yours is top tier brokerage firm  , there is still chance to enter bank's brokerage dept for compliance role. Does it satisfy your wish to enter bank? Haha


kaka_3012009 2014-6-20 15:37

fpfpsurewin 2014-6-21 00:46


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查看完整版本: bank vs compliance