查看完整版本 : CityU - "A Dialogue with the President" on 17Sept2014 (#17會談整理)

neobay 2014-9-7 17:53

Final call for registration: "A Dialogue with the President"
To keep our alumni community abreast of the University development, fellow alumni are cordially invited to join an interactive sharing session – [b]"[/b][b]A Dialogue with the President"[/b] on campus in the evening of 17 September (Wednesday) co-hosted by the [url=http://www.cityu.edu.hk/aro/main/]Alumni Relations Office[/url] and the [url=http://convocation.cityu.edu.hk/home/]Convocation[/url].
In this interactive discussion, [b]Professor Way Kuo[/b], CityU President and University Distinguished Professor, will share with you the recent achievements and developments of the University. It will also be an opportunity for you to exchange your views and network with fellow alumni. On this special occasion, participants will join together to take part in the soft opening of the newly established Alumni Function Room.
Event details:

[/td][td=1,1,571]17 September 2014 (Wednesday)
[/td][td=1,1,571]7:15pm - 8:30pm (reception starts at 6:45pm)
[/td][td=1,1,571]Alumni Function Room, 11/F, Academic 3, CityU [url=http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/wayfinder/en/Building/AC3/](map)[/url]
[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,130]Dress code
[/td][td=1,1,571]Smart casual
[/td][td=1,1,571]Alumni Relations Office 3442-6149
Convocation Secretariat 3442-6463
[/td][td=1,1,571]Click [u][url=https://www6.cityu.edu.hk/convocation/apps/2014president/form.htm]here[/url][/u] (attendance by registration only)

Seats are limited and accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis. We look forward to seeing you in this great gathering!

Online Register Link:

Any Alumi going to this Event?

[[i] 本帖最後由 空氣流動 於 2014-9-19 02:50 PM 編輯 [/i]]

冰神仔 2014-9-7 20:26


空氣流動 2014-9-8 00:08

咦, 係真唔係呀...:smile_14:
不過呢家嘢, 雖然我唔係參加過呢d event,:smile_13:

neobay 2014-9-8 11:20

No idea, just checked CityU email and saw this. So I was wondering what's this and any of the Alumni participated? Maybe this is an opportunity to complaint directly to the President


空氣流動 2014-9-8 11:28



neobay 2014-9-8 12:08

Why don't u try to register as well see if they have seat available or not?


空氣流動 2014-9-8 13:02



neobay 2014-9-8 14:24

I am waiting for their reply too, hope is not too late to apply


空氣流動 2014-9-8 16:30



bonnieelmo 2014-9-9 02:34

[quote]原帖由 [i]空氣流動[/i] 於 2014-9-8 04:30 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=396893598&ptid=23742055][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

[img]http://i.discuss.com.hk/d/images/r10/androidD.jpg[/img] [/quote]當我收到email時, 都出奇現任校長仲記得一眾老鬼alumni, 如果係張信剛校長出任既年代搞呢類活動, 我反而唔太驚訝.......:smile_45:
如果要講期望, 一定係希望學校衡量下係咪所有冇工作經驗既國內學生都適合入讀一d比較專門科目既postgraduate課程, 利申我唔係歧視國內人, 有d dept內既postgraduate雖然冇講明一定要有幾多年工作經驗先取錄, 一般只係寫明有工作經驗+employer's reference優先, 但其實學校好多module都期望學生拎職場既工作經驗再加實例去佐證個科所學到既theory or methodology, 暗示左學校既期望係希望學生有一定既工作經驗, 但事實上宜家好多國內同學一份full time都未打過已經升讀postgraduate, 有時分組做project感覺有d拉牛上樹, 最極端係case都要同佢地搵埋, 知識係工具, 但要將工具使用得熟練需要靠on-job training。個類postgraduate本身係一個為已經從事該行業既人提供深造同互相交流既機會, 當然有d postgraduate開出黎係為左俾個機會人入行而開, 冇工作經驗? never mind, 但對個d講明"有工作經驗優先"既course, 一方面繼續要求candidate有工作經驗優先, 那邊廂又收左大半班冇work experience既國內人讀full time postgraduate, 成件事係咪有d矛盾呢?:smile_45:

空氣流動 2014-9-13 11:52

嗯,謝謝你嘅解說係postgrad呢方面我的確唔了解不過都睇到NDS係明顯多咗:不論係網上相關嘅言論以至走入校園對於master嘅收生 - 包括NDS同working experience呢一層,真係好內部,而且係冇官方規管(唔似JUPAS),佢d收生標準真係可以自說自話:smile_39:

[[i] 本帖最後由 空氣流動 於 2014-9-13 11:53 AM 使用[url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/android][img=100,23]http://i.discuss.com.hk/d/images/r10/androidD.jpg [/img][/url] 編輯 [/i]]

neobay 2014-9-13 18:06

Bonnie, I totally agree with you about the Mainland student and the issues in Postgraduate. First, many of their English level (listen/speak/read) are extremely poor and they had been requesting the professors to use Mandarin as the primacy language or asking other students to explain what’s going on in the class. Normally, the local and foreign professors will 100% ignore these kinds of requests, but the mainland professors reacts totally different. They don’t mind mixing English and Mandarin in class and they even had Chinese translation in the class lecture even no one requested (See link for solid evidence).

Now, this brought up an interesting question, how did these people managed to pass the “Entrance Requirement - English” in the first place? I had been challenge the department heads, Student Affair Office for a while and none of them able to give me an answer for that.

After studying MSc in CityU for 2 years, I found it really difficult to work with these Mainland Students and Mainland Professors.

Mainland Student:
1. They are totally lack of experience and imagination
2. They always believe their degree and knowledge from China are much advanced than others
3. Their arrogant attitude making them to ignore other ideas and recommendation, especially in group project
4. They always expect people to communicate with them in Mandarin instead of English.

Mainland Professor: (That’s another level of complicated issue)

I had an engineering class before with approx. 50 students in the class with only 3 local students (part-time) in it. For the group design project, the 3 local students (included me) were forced to join 3 other mainland students as team and that's where my nightmare started.

1. As mentioned before, these mainland students can’t really understand English much with no practical experience at all. Therefore, I did not really communicate with them at all, even if I did, they won’t understand or listen to my advices anyway....
2. They want to lead the entire project and the local members will only provide supporting.
3. 2 weeks before project presentation and report due day, I questioned the team about the status since no one ever sent me any email. It ends up they were discussing all these times.

Since the professor don’t want us to change the leader in the team, we had a long argument with him. At the end, the 3 local students decided to take over and get everything done themselves within 2 weeks. Of course, those 3 mainland students still took the credit which were totally unfair to the local students...

The most interesting part was none of the students (who claim themselves owned an engineering degree) in the class can understand my construction design at the project presentation day except the professor. These proved how little

For another case, a mainland student sent this to me 2 days before the project due day. (Note: She never participated in any of the project discussion, no respond from email and cellphone the entire semester. I filed complain to the professor and he never give me any respond as well).  See the email below.
Dear Mr.X,
I am sorry for my absence these days.
Caz I still struggling for my paper. Wow, there always so much to be done.

Forgive me. If you guys arrange some work to do, I am glad to do that.
Next week I have 3 presentation to do. So I need you guys help. Thanks a lot. After the final exam, see you guys in the canteen, my treat.

Poor Miss A

One more thing, CityU loves Mainland students for several seasons:
1. Most mainland student applies for full-time degrees, which mean CityU can get pay ASAP, especially for the MSc.
2. CityU needs mainland students to apply for China educational events to increase public appearance and reputation.
3. CityU care about making $$$ than the quality of education and local students.

bonnieelmo 2014-9-15 22:53

[quote]原帖由 [i]neobay[/i] 於 2014-9-13 06:06 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=397268444&ptid=23742055][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Bonnie, I totally agree with you about the Mainland student and the issues in Postgraduate. First, many of their English level (listen/speak/read) are extremely poor and they had been requesting the p ... [/quote]
My situation is relatively different with yours. My PRC groupmates always expect local students teaching them to work out the assignment and even the skill of class presentation. They seem to have less experience to involve the in-depth research independently and also simply to do a piece of coursework. Very wonder how they could get the undergraduate degree.:smile_45:

[[i] 本帖最後由 bonnieelmo 於 2014-9-15 10:56 PM 編輯 [/i]]

空氣流動 2014-9-15 23:06

吓? 唔通佢地係富二代, 好多都係買返來嘅學位, 所以能力可能比較低少少之外, 連個性都比較依賴?:smile_41:

neobay 2014-9-16 13:12

[quote]原帖由 [i]bonnieelmo[/i] 於 2014-9-15 10:53 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=397448994&ptid=23742055][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

My situation is relatively different with yours. My PRC groupmates always expect local students teaching them to work out the assignment and even the skill of class presentation. They seem to have l ... [/quote]

LOL, your situation is the same as me..... they don't know and do anything .... but talk BIG!!!!...and always copy our assignments before class. For presentation, they don't need skills for few reasons:
1. Most of their presentation are words based, meaning load of words with very few photo, so they can read them during presentation. (
2. Memorize their speech (背書) before presentation. (This is the most funny part. If anyone did interrupt them, they lose track and cant continue their speech. In some scenario, they even speak in Mandarin :smile_o12:or went berserk to complete the speech in light-speed (you will not even understand a word from them) and handover to next person...
3. Getting presentations from other students who took the course before and modify it into a new one.

99% of the mainland students in my department are 富二代 (related to 共產黨, 政協, 人大, 國/私企 etc) claim that they had whatever degree and worked in whatever China department or oversea China companies at a high position etc. All these to me are non-sense anyway since China qualifications can easily be fake.
What amazed me the most was many of these students who applied in MSc of Engineering degrees don't even hold any related degree and managed to get in...such as English, Art, Marketing etc non-science/eng.

Entrance Requirements                Applicants must
        [list][*]Hold an undergraduate degree in engineering, science, or equivalent, or[*]Be a graduate member, or a non-member but qualified for graduate membership of a professional institution, or[*]Other degrees will be considered on a case-by-case basis by a committee of experts.[/list]

In term of abilities for engineering, they can't even do 2D or 3D engineering draw by hand or using CAD software, not to mention if they can really understand the drawing or not. This is why I don't see their degree/skills/knowledge able to meet the above requirements.....

[quote]原帖由 [i]空氣流動[/i] 於 2014-9-15 11:06 PM 發表 [url=http://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=397450166&ptid=23742055][img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
吓? 唔通佢地係富二代, 好多都係買返來嘅學位, 所以能力可能比較低少少之外, 連個性都比較依賴?[img]http://www.discuss.com.hk/images/smilies/default/smile_41.gif[/img] [/quote]

You should come to the MSc classes..... these 富二代 were using Hermes, LV, BOSS, Chanel etc luxury product and clothes to class. Sometimes, they even dress up like going to fashion show to classes and final exams....It was hilarious :smile_35:
During class, most of them were on their electronic devices doing unrelated things in class. Only very few of them actually taking note. Some students will attend the class late or leave during break, and some even dare to skip classes for entire semester except showing up in the 1 week, midterm and final exam, and still managed to pass the classes instructed by Mainland Professors.

Also, you wanna know how did they managed to get in and the pricing?
According to some of these mainland students in my department, there are agents in China who can help mainland students getting into HK Universities without any problem and without interviewing even if their qualification in China don't meet HK standards. The successful rate is close to 90% guarantee. (Below detail only apply for CityU)
1. For Bacholar Degree, the agent fee is around $60,000 ~ 80,000 RMB
2. For Master Degree, the agent fee is around $150,000 ~ 180,000 RMB
3. If the Student planned to apply PhD after Master, the additional fee would be $200,000 ~ 250,000 RMB.
(Note: Due to CityU Policy, most students who apply for PhD must completed the MSc in CityU)
4. If the Student planned to work in the university for additional years after completing MSc, there is an additional fee as well. (Detail unknown)

空氣流動 2014-9-16 14:37

但係果d agent又係點樣揾到呢d學位㗎? 校方又會咁易批嘅?:smile_35:


空氣流動 2014-9-19 14:46

日前嘅對話應該係舊生會同評議會首次舉行相關活動, 亦都第一次喺AC3 AFR(舊生活動室)進行
時間為7:15-8:30, 有開幕致辭, 幾分鐘嘅video講解城大近況同成就, 之後就係評議會同校長嘅對話, 最後大約7:55-8:25先係台下同校長嘅對話
而校長亦都語重心長嘅回應, 故提問問題空間唔多, 以下係大致嘅討論/涉及嘅內容同回應, 可以作為參考

首先, 片段大致可以有三個環節
第一就係提到校園要國際化, 好似大約唔知3000定6000個非本地生
最後就真係介紹各faculties/schools, 當中商學院同科工院就喺到特別提到個ranking係點...
末端亦都包括新開嘅動物醫學院(School of VetMed, 本文在下簡稱vetmed)

喺大約45分鐘convocation同校長對話呢段時間同30分鐘台下交流, 大致有幾點我聽到/勾勒到嘅

1. 國際化
目前嘅exchange比例已經超越30%, 目標係做到50%, 就算做唔到都希望超過40%

2. 排名
排名上升, 實為舊生得益, 因為舊生會掛住嘅正正係城大呢個名,
對於坊間認為校方盲目追逐排名, 呢個實在係一個誤解來的
排名唔單單係講緊research, 亦都包括學術, 實戰經驗等等
可以代表院校嘅競爭力, 代表到院校多方面嘅質素, 希望舊生能夠有呢方面嘅sense

3. 神獸學院
目前集中以提供postgrad programme開始, 包括exchange計劃, 而且同康奈爾大學合辦再慢慢搞起
只係奈何UGC唔鐘意呢個proposal/學校之類, 加上有後生一輩嘅阻撓以至...
提到佢個blog: [url=http://wikisites.cityu.edu.hk/sites/president/default.aspx]http://wikisites.cityu.edu.hk/sites/president/default.aspx[/url]
表示現時的確有strong support from the community之類
相比之下城大只有卅年, 因為大家都有一種insecurity嘅感覺, 所以就對vetmed有d保留,
但係中大今日的以成名, 都係經歷過呢個階段呢

4. CCCU賣盤問題
只係好可惜因為媒體嘅誤報, 社會壓力, d人總係跟校方作對
校長表示對於傳媒嘅不正確報導感到有趣(funny), 有感現時嘅媒體有足夠嘅娛樂成份
CCCU係隸屬於council的, 唔係話賣就可以賣, 校方根本就冇權去賣,
而且賣咗都唔會有收益, 所以不能夠話賣CCCU就係將佢睇成一盤商業
簡而之言, 呢種說法就係不正確的, 大家需要有獨立思考!
由1997年創立CCCU提供asso至今, 因為教育制度嘅轉變,
已經慢慢作出改變, 對於未來嘅發展仍然在探索階段,

5. 城大生IELTS水平欠佳
呢個係台下問嘅一個問題, 但係校長表示事實上城大已經喺香港排第三
而為此亦都盡量收d英文水平比較高嘅學生, 例如將收生公式上喺英文科成績提高比重
舉個例, 日韓兩地嘅英文水平都係麻麻, 可見英文只係一種語言, 要視乎我地用d咩去溝通
就好似當代人經常用手機一樣, 所以我地應該學習一d真實嘅東西
城大人應該要有國際視野, 要提高我地個competitiveness
校方表示大家作為舊生, 應該要成城大做返d嘢
好多時候, 都有一個好現實嘅問題, 就係d人入city第一下會問題嘅係城大可以比到d咩我
所以校方需要提供良好嘅設施基建, 呢個會係當下嘅挑戰

6. EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration)
因此, 作為學生應該多d跟NDS交流

7. 有關SA(學生大使)計劃嘅營會被取消
學生要學習面對挑戰, 承擔風險, 獨立思考, 時間管理
而呢d元素可以喺唔同形式上implement的, 例如唔同範疇嘅知識
對於有建議希望建立學生嘅工作思維/觸覺, soft skills
而且就SLW(法學院)為例, 有課程教授legal philo, theories等等,
對比camp之類, 有d嘢可以相輔相成, 唔一定只限某d方法的

8. 其他
例如CCCU之間本來就因為大家會被編派去唔同tutorial, 難以一齊合作

9. 總括而言
城大地方係就係細d, 但係城大要係成功的
其實依家城大已經係第四大, 喺全港已經係4:4
就係城大係第一大, 大家都要一個mindset覺得係城大係好嘅, 例如有d咩achievements之類, 要成為內地嘅spokeperson喎
明白到城大有唔少管理嘅問題, 但係正如台下提到城大需要有一個延續性, 學校要改變唔係一朝一夕嘅問題
所以依家已經一步一步咁去做, 喺research層面幫d學生去自己學習

p.s. 由於各種原因, 以上資料或有缺欠之處, 如有版友曾經在場, 可以協助更正及補充:)

[[i] 本帖最後由 空氣流動 於 2014-9-19 02:47 PM 編輯 [/i]]

neobay 2014-9-22 16:12

What they said in that event very much give me an idea how much CityU wanna get into China.

1. Increasing the amount of Research publications will boost the education funding and reputation in Asia
2. CityU is now one of the 1st Choice University for Mainland Student and CityU would love to use this opportunities to enter China.
3. With the large amount of mainland students in CityU, Mainland professors often encourage them to participate China Education events such as "ABB University Innovation Contest" etc to boost the popularity.

(Note: Such event like ABB University Innovation Contest, the projects were owned by CityU professors, not student. But professors allow them to apply the contest with those titles under their names . See link for evidence - [url]http://www.cityu.edu.hk/mbe/news.htm#abb2013[/url]   )

<Ms. ZHENG Hanzhuo and Ms. CHEN Xiaoyin, both 2013 MSATM graduates, presented a project titled “Magnetic Pipe and its Smartphone App>
These 2 mainland students from MSATM don't have any technical or engineering background. They are only good at marketing. It is impossible for these 2 students able to do the design project in such short time (less than a year). These 2 students were submitting the 2 projects as the title under their names to enter the ABB University Innovation Contest. The 2 presented projects were originally owned by CityU professors and MBE research staffs. All the technical data included reports were given and all they have to do is memorize / present them at the contest.
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查看完整版本: CityU - "A Dialogue with the President" on 17Sept2014 (#17會談整理)