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905佬 2015-6-12 23:04
有些律師樓很好做 (好少數, 而且好PARTNER有固定底班, 長班同一班人做, 好少會加新人, 莫講話公開招聘咁請新人)
有些律師樓很惡做 (臭到全行都知)
有些PRACTICE (例如平民離婚,平安紙,樓宇買賣)根本越做越蝕
但OVERALL, 想搵飯食唔難, 個人有質素, 就算唔入大行一樣有機會一年搵到一球
jimbo86 2015-6-13 02:38
no worries about their down side, mind as well figure how to get close to become one first.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Revvv[/i] 於 2015-6-12 04:20 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
做律師/大律師有乜野 downside?
好想聽下做律師有d乜野痛苦/悲哀/坎坷嘅地方? [/quote]
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colourwolf1 2015-6-13 18:38
[quote]原帖由 [i]Revvv[/i] 於 13/6/2015 16:58 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
except i have no intention of becoming one [/quote]
if you have no intention, then whatever downside is irrelevant to you.
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kingme 2015-6-15 00:33
[quote]原帖由 [i]Revvv[/i] 於 2015-6-13 07:14 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
it is completely relevant to me as the answer will serve to satisfy my insatiable curiosity for all facets of life. [/quote]
I can see you will peep on grandma's underwear with that attitude...
bigjim973 2015-6-15 05:43
U will.have more $$ And lots of beautiful women more than u know what to do with them.
Next thing u wanna to resign.from.The law society and be happy with a job at 7_11.
Is that what u envision ?
U knew all these downsides that's the very reason of no need to work hard right?
wilzon 2015-6-25 19:54
curiosity kill the cat:smile_45:
jimbo86 2015-6-26 03:57
u mind as well ask 689 what are the downside of his job?
sitting under the sword of damocles, i am not so sure he wants the job that much longer?
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間接傷害 2015-6-28 11:06
because he isn't one?
jimbo86 2015-6-28 14:54
thanks for pointing that out, is grammatically wong when speaking queen lizzie's engrish.
we canadians all seem to use this quite often. mind kind of rhymes with the sentence. might do sound more awkward.
so as sometimes i hear engrish blokes say " me think " , most of us say " I think "
[quote]原帖由 [i]Revvv[/i] 於 2015-6-28 08:07 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
how can someone who confuses the word "mind" with "might" in a sentence become a lawyer?
now that's a proper question. [/quote]
[[i] 本帖最後由 jimbo86 於 2015-6-28 03:02 PM 編輯 [/i]]
jimbo86 2015-6-28 15:00
none the less i get to draw my turtle signature on the guarantor of our canadian passport application form and enjoy a bunch of perks too bestowed to my work.
i assume u belong to this exclusive club in hk long time ago haven't u?
[quote]原帖由 [i]間接傷害[/i] 於 2015-6-28 11:06 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
because he isn't one? [/quote]
jimbo86 2015-7-4 02:40
u get to enjoy fines ways of living too.
kingme 2015-7-4 05:26
[quote]原帖由 [i]間接傷害[/i] 於 2015-6-28 11:06 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
because he isn't one? [/quote]
bonus point if u answer he's on99 too...
BDTC 2015-7-4 20:47
Read this one:
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simontam40 2015-7-27 17:31
Favillaran 2015-7-28 00:02
Read this: [url][/url]
做律師冇想像中咁風光,亦唔一定好搵錢。本身呢行門檻高,本身讀LLB已經耐,加上好多人為咗考入PCLL又花咗唔少時間,出到嚟係d細local firm捱,越做越蝕,可能做極都係30-40k左右。如果本身興趣唔係太大,只係為咗錢,其實做其他工分分鐘比律師好。讀HKU LLB,一樣有人畢業後選擇從事法律以外的工作,發覺更加適合自己。
jimbo86 2015-7-28 01:57
yes family law can be risky, a lawyer i knew , he doesn't wanna to do family anymore. Once the husband's friend warned him that the husband is buying a gun.
Life is full of risk.
[quote]原帖由 [i]BDTC[/i] 於 2015-7-4 08:47 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Read this one:
[url=][/url] [/quote]
jimbo86 2015-7-28 02:00
i suppose u will be very safe, since u have hardly any clients, who on earth will sent u any molotov cocktail?
perhaps no soon enough 689 will hire u as his close advisor, since most able folks are jumping his sinking ship.
[quote]原帖由 [i]kingme[/i] 於 2015-7-4 05:26 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
bonus point if u answer he's on99 too... [/quote]
jimbo86 2015-7-28 02:06
sad part of hk is not what it used to be. Her hey days were kind of bygone now.
If u can make 40-50k /mth u are a relative higher income, except most houses were still out of reach for most common bourgeois.
not a lot one can do if u are living in this era. none the less still the odd person can sell phones like hot cakes, turn a hundred grand a mth.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Favillaran[/i] 於 2015-7-28 12:02 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Read this: [url=][/url]
做律師冇想像中咁風光,亦唔一定好搵錢。本身呢行門檻高,本身讀LLB已經耐,加 ... [/quote]
kingme 2015-7-28 09:12
[quote]原帖由 [i]jimbo86[/i] 於 2015-7-28 02:00 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
i suppose u will be very safe, since u have hardly any clients, who on earth will sent u any molotov cocktail?
perhaps no soon enough 689 will hire u as his close advisor, since most able folks are ... [/quote]
yatch 2015-8-3 12:19
every job has downside. it depends on your personality and what you want
VTCIVE 2015-8-5 14:37
Only 40K - 50K per mth?
Average Lawyers so little salary? Kidding? I thought the benchmark is at least 70k to 80k.
High school teachers (not senior one) or HKU/HKUST Lecturers (not senior one) are more than this amount...
[quote]原帖由 [i]jimbo86[/i] 於 2015-7-28 02:06 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
sad part of hk is not what it used to be. Her hey days were kind of bygone now.
If u can make 40-50k /mth u are a relative higher income, except most houses were still out of reach for most common bo ... [/quote]
Favillaran 2015-8-6 18:56
[quote]原帖由 [i]VTCIVE[/i] 於 2015-8-5 02:37 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Only 40K - 50K per mth?
Average Lawyers so little salary? Kidding? I thought the benchmark is at least 70k to 80k.
High school teachers (not senior one) or HKU/HKUST Lecturers (not senior one) a ... [/quote]
It really depends on the market and varies with firms. High-flyers can certainly earn a fortune working in city firms and Magic Circle but sadly not everybody can be one of those.
TJcredible 2015-9-2 09:05
My legal secretary makes HK$ 38,000 per month x 13. The market rate for a legal executive in an inhouse environment with 3 yrs or above experience is around $33,000 per month. I can't understand how some lawyers could make as little as $40 - 50k.
[quote]原帖由 [i]VTCIVE[/i] 於 2015-8-5 02:37 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Only 40K - 50K per mth?
Average Lawyers so little salary? Kidding? I thought the benchmark is at least 70k to 80k.
High school teachers (not senior one) or HKU/HKUST Lecturers (not senior one) a ... [/quote]
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