Purplefire663 2017-6-20 21:52
[b][i][font=Times New Roman][size=5][color=navy]While the most important element of staring a blues lick is usually when you start it... the most important element of ending a blues lick is that last note.
In this lesson you'll see that the notes you choose to play aren't always as important as where you end.
In jazz, this is the idea behind "outside" playing, where you play notes that don't "belong" on purpose to create additional tension in your ideas - but similar to playing the blues, where you end those licks (and all your licks) ties it all up - for better or for worse. [/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
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[b][i][font=Times New Roman][size=5][color=navy][url]https://youtu.be/PD8_U0VYcow[/url][/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]