ncream 2017-11-26 08:16
[quote]原帖由 [i]煙民母親生賤種[/i] 於 2017-11-26 03:53 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
呢個就係 #霸權 Paradigm
例子有 windows, chrome, firefox, facebook
windows 唔洗講, 佢個霸權 update
chrome 就不斷改介面, 唔理用戶鐘唔鐘意
firefox 就不斷改, 仲要改到以前的 add-on 用唔返
facebook 強 ... [/quote]
Facebook, chrome, firefox呢幾年都轉左用GPU硬解影片。唔通你又話佢霸權迫用戶升級電腦。或迫用戶買新GPU 1080 TI?
[[i] 本帖最後由 ncream 於 2017-11-26 09:31 AM 編輯 [/i]]
daisukemoi 2017-11-26 11:00
[quote]原帖由 [i]煙民母親生賤種[/i] 於 2017-11-26 04:53 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
呢個就係 #霸權 Paradigm
例子有 windows, chrome, firefox, facebook
windows 唔洗講, 佢個霸權 update
chrome 就不斷改介面, 唔理用戶鐘唔鐘意
firefox 就不斷改, 仲要改到以前的 add-on 用唔返
facebook 強 ... [/quote]
請問 Paradigm 跟 霸權, 有甚麼關係?
1 : example, pattern; especially : an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype
… regard science as the paradigm of true knowledge. —G. C. J. Midgley
2 : an example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its inflectional forms
3 : a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis; broadly : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind