EADGBE 2019-2-6 09:22
我睇完段片先識 Rubinstein
聽完真係覺得個感覺正過電影中嘅 Chopin Waltz
EADGBE 2019-2-6 09:26
Pakfah 2019-2-7 23:15
These two Australian nerds are real jerks.
周杰倫 and that guy from 南拳媽媽 both have good piano technical skills; and the piano battle in the movie "Secret" was very entertaining.
周杰倫's flat fingers? Horowitz played with very flat fingers too. Are they real classical musicians or just moronic imbeciles from Australia?
Go back to the Down Under and get the ugly girls there you two freaking nerds!!
Pakfah 2019-2-7 23:34
Pakfah 2019-2-7 23:50
如果鍾意靚仔, Super Junior 的 Henry 也彈得不錯👍
Pakfah 2019-2-7 23:51
Pakfah 2019-2-7 23:59
Pakfah 2019-2-8 00:29
Wonder if the two jerks from Down Under can play violin and dance like Henry Lau of Super Junior :smile_o01:
CatherineQ 2019-2-8 01:27
I'm am a big fan of twoset.
Regarding that particular video, I actually think they are very reasonable other than the clickbait title. If you put it into context, this video is meant to be in the same vein as another video in which their roasted the violin playing scenes in High Strung (how the visuals are not matching the music).
It is true that their comments on flat fingers on the piano (but they acknowledged that it may not be an issue and asked the audience to write in the comment section) and white keys (I personally find G flat major a lot easier than C major, heck, I think C major is the hardest key to play on the piano) are not entirely right. However, they noted that they can't tell whether the playing in the movie is fake and this is impressive (can't remember the exact wording as I saw that video a couple of weeks ago).
I don't think they are being nasty about the clip at all as my first reaction to it years ago was pretty much the same - it's really cool but cringey as hell at the same time. They got flamed by loads of fans in their comment sections because of this video. While the amount flame they got was not surprising but I think the angry mob was missing the point, which is whether visual is a good representation of piano playing (and the music you hear in the movie).
CatherineQ 2019-2-8 01:44
[quote]原帖由 [i]Pakfah[/i] 於 2019-2-7 11:15 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494545487&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
These two Australian nerds are real jerks.
周杰倫 and that guy from 南拳媽媽 both have good piano technical skills; and the piano battle in the movie "Secret" was very entertaining.
周杰倫's flat fingers ... [/quote]
Those two are definitely nerds but I don't think they are jerks. But got to say that some of the memes in the fandom got really out of hand.
This video is about whether the piano playing scene looks real in the movie. Yes, the actors are indeed good pianists in real life, but this is not the point - it's how it looks in the movie that counts.
EADGBE 2019-2-8 19:46
[quote]原帖由 [i]CatherineQ[/i] 於 2019-2-8 01:27 AM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494549794&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I'm am a big fan of twoset.
Regarding that particular video, I actually think they are very reasonable other than the clickbait title. If you put it into context, this video is meant to be in ... [/quote]
佢地唔係剩係 roast 人
最尾都有讚返 Jay
EADGBE 2019-2-8 19:47
EADGBE 2019-2-8 19:50
EADGBE 2019-2-8 19:51
EADGBE 2019-2-8 19:52
其實佢吔點解成日恥笑 Viola 中提琴?
因為佢係 orchestra 作用唔夠突出?
Pakfah 2019-2-8 21:25
佢吔成日恥笑 Viola 中提琴因爲佢地有技術但冇修養.我彈鋼琴但唔會恥笑彈Harpsichord的音樂家.
CatherineQ 2019-2-9 02:02
[quote]原帖由 [i]EADGBE[/i] 於 2019-2-8 07:47 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494583705&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvsvaCU6i1M[/url] [/quote]
I could not stop laughing at the end of "The WORST Violin Movie We've Ever Seen". I suspect that piano battle reaction video was a result of fans requesting after seeing this.
Those self-esteem crushing prodigy reaction videos are good fun too.
Lots of jokes are super relatable as someone learning an instrument. Jokes aside, my favorite recent upload of theirs is the "Inside the Mind of Hilary Hahn" despite people's complaints on the unfortunate "would you rather..." question.
CatherineQ 2019-2-9 03:42
[quote]原帖由 [i]EADGBE[/i] 於 2019-2-8 07:52 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494583960&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
其實佢吔點解成日恥笑 Viola 中提琴?
因為佢係 orchestra 作用唔夠突出? [/quote]
Violas are relatively unknown and virtually no one started out playing it. There are always stories about the violinist who's not good enough got asked to play the viola in school orchestras. The music is typically substantially easier than those for the violin (as viola is harder to play physically). And being in the middle of the harmony, it's hard to be in tune; and when the violas are in tune, no body can hear them because it blends so well with the rest of the orchestra. So the viola has always been the butt of musicians jokes about the skill and musicianship.
Two set, being the comedians for the violinists as they are, milks the viola jokes for al it's worth and exaggerates this unfortunate culture in orchestral music.
The annoying part of it is that I stumbled upon their videos because I started taking viola lessons.
CatherineQ 2019-2-9 08:21
[quote]原帖由 [i]EADGBE[/i] 於 2019-2-8 07:52 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494583960&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
其實佢吔點解成日恥笑 Viola 中提琴?
因為佢係 orchestra 作用唔夠突出? [/quote]
Take a look at this one and you will get an idea on how the violas are perceived.
Pakfah 2019-2-9 08:52
Those who appreciate Twoset's tasteless jokes may find this joke funny:
Toscanini, a famous conductor, during a rehearsal, stopped and smiled at a female cellist:
"Lady, you have a nice instrument between your legs. How come you only know how to scratch it?"
Pakfah 2019-2-9 08:55
A CELLO is always worst than a VIOLA.
You play a violin. You laughs at a Viola. But you can only scratch a Cello!!
Pakfah 2019-2-9 09:02
I was once attending a conducting masterclass given by Leonard Bernstein.
All the students were conducting excerpts from Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring". After the last student finished conducting, Lenny stepped onto the podium and demonstrated how to conduct.
Lenny then turned to the audience and asked, "why the orchestra sounds different when I conducted?"
Student, including me, gave all the bullshit musical comments. Lenny shook his head after 10 minutes of Q&A, then gave us the real answer:
"It sounded different because the orchestra knows I am Leonard Bernstein!"
Brett and Eddy, you guys are nobody compared with the Maestro so may as well save your self-esteem crushing yet not funny comments to yourselves. Enough said.
CatherineQ 2019-2-9 11:13
[quote]原帖由 [i]Pakfah[/i] 於 2019-2-9 09:02 AM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494603374&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I was once attending a conducting masterclass given by Leonard Bernstein.
All the students were conducting excerpts from Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring". After the last student finished conducting, L ... [/quote]
Part of their appeal is that they are fully aware of being a nobody in the music world. Hence, all those "yet another ten-year-old is playing better than me" videos had us nodding along while laughing at their attempts.
For sure there are some of their videos that I don't really like, however, it's a very big leap to accuse them having big egos or being nasty.
But I respect your opinions, while I am surprised by your impressions on them and the hostility over their YouTube videos, I'd better stop arguing here as everyone reacts to the same thing differently and go back to giggle by myself watching their tasteless videos.
薩琳希德 2019-2-9 11:49
hey..chill, relax. viola jokes have been existing for centuries. If you watch more twoset videos you'll find out that they actually appreciate and respect viola(and any musical instruments), just they keep making jokes; and you cant deny their ability to attract many many many general ppl who didnt have any interest in classical music (and they dont play any musical instrument) to be interested in classical music. They are doing an excellent job on audience building for classical music. My frds who are not musician are watching them too, and they are more willing to attend classical music concert after watching them (and before that, they have absolutely zero interest in classical music), and they would ask me more about classical music
I play viola and i dont find it offensive, i find twoset very amusing. in fact there is even a violist who make a fan page of twosetviolin, called "upsetviola"....i think violists are in fact the ones who make most viola jokes, and have fun teasing ourselves. The violists i know all appreciate twosetviolin too
EADGBE 2019-2-9 15:18
[quote]原帖由 [i]CatherineQ[/i] 於 2019-2-9 02:02 AM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494597946&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I could not stop laughing at the end of "The WORST Violin Movie We've Ever Seen". I suspect that piano battle reaction video was a result of fans requesting after seeing this.
Those ... [/quote]
Pakfah 2019-2-9 22:09
I hope CatherineQ is not the avatar of either Brett or Eddy :smile_o01: "She" was promoting twoset violins to the point that "her" opinions did not seem objective and unbiased. Anyway, I respect "her" opinion as well.
My two cents to Brett & Eddy: if you can act with more humility in your videos, your popularity will soar. It's very easy to cross the line from a nerd to a jerk. Like EADGBE said, some of their videos are lame and not interesting - just like playing fast notes - 16 notes per second!!
DanceR-__-' 2019-2-9 23:22
[quote]原帖由 [i]Pakfah[/i] 於 2019-2-7 11:15 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494545487&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
These two Australian nerds are real jerks.
周杰倫 and that guy from 南拳媽媽 both have good piano technical skills; and the piano battle in the movie "Secret" was very entertaining.
周杰倫's flat fi ... [/quote]
maybe u are big fans of Jay chow and 南拳媽媽
but I do find the piano battle very insane
they point out that playing classical music is not about playing every note correctly
n Chopin waltz is easy? this is hilarious
the film twists the classical music a lot. u find it entertaining? I find it very “layman“
Pakfah 2019-2-10 01:39
Twoset always made contradictory comments:
Playing fast notes on violin: They said notes need to be played accurately with correct articulation... I agree.
Then they said playing piano you don't need to play every note correctly?? Are they insane? Need to play every note accurately on violin yet no need to play every note accurately on piano?? What kind of logic is that?
Chopin waltz is easy: How come top pianists still play Mozart (Uchida) and Chopin waltz (Eric Lu who just won Leeds competition in UK last year) in Chopin international competition?
I personally think Brett and Eddy were making a lot of bullshit comments about piano playing. They should stick to their commentary on violin or viola playing instead.
CatherineQ 2019-2-10 10:23
[quote]原帖由 [i]Pakfah[/i] 於 2019-2-9 10:09 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494636699&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I hope CatherineQ is not the avatar of either Brett or Eddy :smile_o01: "She" was promoting twoset violins to the point that "her" opinions did not seem objective and unbiased. Anyway, I respect "her ... [/quote]
I was not intending to continue posting on this thread because it was obvious pointless to run into argument such as this.
But what you are implying here is too funny. The notion of some YouTubers would go around to randon forums in different languages around the world to argue at lengths on the video that offends loads of Jay Chou's fan. Why?
I have said it at the very beginning. I am a fan and I enjoy many of their videos. And I don't agree with the flames they are receiving in the piano battle video from Jay Chou's fans but I can understand why.
I expressed my personal opinions on their channel and beliefs in respecting individual tastes and people reacts to the same thing differently.
Since your response are hardly a model of objectivity and unbiased opinions, what's your point of accusing someone else being not objective when talking about things that she likes and enjoys?
CatherineQ 2019-2-10 10:39
[quote]原帖由 [i]EADGBE[/i] 於 2019-2-9 03:18 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=494619235&ptid=28018262][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
D話題好似無嘢搵嘢嚟講咁 [/quote]
That's an example of people like different types of videos. I actually found this more funny than the piano battle video.
I thought the prank calls and viola jokes videos recently are horrible but if you look at the comments, there are plenty of people liking those.