fb8c00acdf7c3c 2019-2-24 01:18
我想買一支intermediate model的雙簧管給女女考皇家試五至八級,請問大家有什麼牌子及型號推介呢?
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-2-24 13:23
[quote]原帖由 [i]fb8c00acdf7c3c[/i] 於 2019-2-24 01:18 AM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=495311423&ptid=28054001][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
我想買一支intermediate model的雙簧管給女女考皇家試五至八級,請問大家有什麼牌子及型號推介呢? [/quote]
I always recommend Rigoutat’s Delphine or RIEC to my young students who want to upgrade to an intermediate model oboe. I talked to Rigoutat’s owner Philippe Rigoutat, and he confirmed that these intermediate models have the same bore as their famed Classic model, which has a beautiful sound, as can be heard on recordings by Maurice Bourgue, Heinz Holliger and Thomas Indermühle, among others. Most other oboe manufacturers do not use the same bore design in their intermediate models as in their professional model, thus their intermediate models sound inferior.
How old is your daughter though? Young children has small handspans and may not be able to cover the holes on the plateau keys properly, particularly for the ring fingers. My 8-year-old student who bought a Rigoutat RIEC last year has to revert to his Yamaha plastic oboe for the upcoming HKSMF solo competition, because he has trouble covering the small holes and keeps cracking notes.
fb8c00acdf7c3c 2019-2-24 14:30
[quote]原帖由 [i]oboe_bassoon_hk[/i] 於 2019-2-24 01:23 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=495326656&ptid=28054001][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I always recommend Rigoutat’s Delphine or RIEC to my young students who want to upgrade to an intermediate model oboe. I talked to Rigoutat’s owner Philippe Rigoutat, and he confirmed that these int ... [/quote]
多謝你的回覆 很詳細
我的女女今年8歲 應該都有同樣的問題
lula135 2019-2-25 13:41
香港有無Rigoutat的代理? 如果上網訂就無得試
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-2-26 22:07
[quote]原帖由 [i]lula135[/i] 於 2019-2-25 01:41 PM 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=495381946&ptid=28054001][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
香港有無Rigoutat的代理? 如果上網訂就無得試 [/quote]
No Rigoutat distributor in HK, though a local teacher is kind of a dealer. Rigoutat just got bought by Buffet-Crampon a few weeks ago. Perhaps we will see Rigoutat instruments at TL in the near future.