kevinwkh 2019-2-28 20:54
想問一下,有冇c兄c姐用緊Howarth S40C oboe,造功和tone好嗎?
tinlong 2019-3-1 11:08
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-2-28 08:54 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
想問一下,有冇c兄c姐用緊Howarth S40C oboe,造功和tone好嗎?
成人初學有沒有好的介紹? [/quote]
親友之女有用Howarth oboe, 約4萬文, 但唔知係咪呢只形號. 英國做, 廠有約80年歷史.
我教佢時, 推薦在港現有名牌, 因有得試, 大家嘅經驗都知同牌同形號幾支中, 梗有一支好聲d好吹慳氣d, 試完幾個名牌後, 揀其中一支.
但佢聽咗學校老師講, 隔山買牛, 訂/買咗Howarth, 好唔好就唔知, 吹得到咁la!
[[i] 本帖最後由 tinlong 於 2019-3-1 11:09 AM 編輯 [/i]]
tinlong 2019-3-1 16:29
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-2-28 08:54 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
成人初學有沒有好的介紹? [/quote]
因oboe烏木製品, 3-4萬起碼, 學生/成人初學,膠製都過萬.
建議買支二手Y牌學下先, 之後再搵支高級.
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 17:09
謝謝你的回覆!Howarth 現在香港有公司做dealer,問過有得試,s40c大約2萬幾。
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-3-1 17:25
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-2-28 08:54 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
想問一下,有冇c兄c姐用緊Howarth S40C oboe,造功和tone好嗎?
成人初學有沒有好的介紹? [/quote]
I have two students who wanted to buy Howarth S40C. I advised against it because I felt it’s tone is inferior to that of Rigoutat RIEC. I did an A-B test for them, and both students as well as their parents agreed with me. They ended up getting Rigoutat oboes.
For an adult beginner, I think the best bang for the buck is a reliable used instrument.
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-3-1 17:28
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 05:09 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
謝謝你的回覆!Howarth 現在香港有公司做dealer,問過有得試,s40c大約2萬幾。
Yahaxx性價比我覺得一般,所以想睇下其他品牌。 ... [/quote]
If the tone is not so good, it could be due to the player and/or the reed. It is best for you to find out the root cause before spending money on another instrument.
law542005 2019-3-1 17:51
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-2-28 08:54 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
想問一下,有冇c兄c姐用緊Howarth S40C oboe,造功和tone好嗎?
成人初學有沒有好的介紹? [/quote]
S40C唔係full keywork. 既然想upgrade又有能力負擔既話 應該揀枝full keywork既oboe
tinlong 2019-3-1 17:58
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 05:09 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
謝謝你的回覆!Howarth 現在香港有公司做dealer,問過有得試,s40c大約2萬幾。
Yahaxx性價比我覺得一般,所以想睇下其他品牌。 ... [/quote]Howarth 現在香港有公司應是個女士做代理, 果時要訂至有, 家下可能訂多咗, 即有得試.
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 18:15
Rigoutat oboes 有沒有香港代理?
Intermediate grade要多少錢?
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 18:19
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 18:22
真的嗎?我問過代理,佢話係full work key,學上8級無問題。:smile_41:
law542005 2019-3-1 18:23
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:19 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
買oboe真係好難。 [/quote]
每隻brand個tone都會有分別 咁貴買返黎最緊要岩自己心水 人地鐘意既tone你未必會鐘意 (我pm佐你)
law542005 2019-3-1 18:26
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:22 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
真的嗎?我問過代理,佢話係full work key,學上8級無問題。:smile_41: [/quote]
佢夠話有人S20C考到8級12X分添 S20C keywork比S40C再少d. 個tone再低層次少少
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 18:26
[quote]原帖由 [i]tinlong[/i] 於 2019-3-1 05:58 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Howarth 現在香港有公司應是個女士做代理, 果時要訂至有, 家下可能訂多咗, 即有得試. [/quote]
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-3-1 18:30
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:19 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
買oboe真係好難。 [/quote]
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-3-1 18:31
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:15 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Rigoutat oboes 有沒有香港代理?
Intermediate grade要多少錢? [/quote]
Rigoutat doesn’t have a distributor in HK. My students bought from an European online store of my recommendation. I think with the current exchange rate, a Rigoutat RIEC costs around HKD29,000.
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 18:35
[quote]原帖由 [i]law542005[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:26 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
佢夠話有人S20C考到8級12X分添 S20C keywork比S40C再少d. 個tone再低層次少少 [/quote]
我知reed同咀形有好大關係,但吹首gabriel oboe似聽中國嗩吶多過oboe,好失望下。
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 18:38
[quote]原帖由 [i]oboe_bassoon_hk[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:30 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
我啲學生用六七萬嘅oboe唔會夠我吹支大陸野好聲 [/quote]
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-3-1 18:39
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:35 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
我知reed同咀形有好大關係,但吹首gabriel oboe似聽中國嗩吶多過oboe,好失望下。 ... [/quote]
If you sound like a souna player, I suspect the problem is not in the oboe ...
You are welcome to show me your Chinese oboe and let me try it.
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 18:40
[quote]原帖由 [i]oboe_bassoon_hk[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:31 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Rigoutat doesn’t have a distributor in HK. My students bought from an European online store of my recommendation. I think with the current exchange rate, a Rigoutat RIEC costs around HKD29,00 ... [/quote]
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-3-1 18:42
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:40 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
但冇得試,又冇代理情況下,有問題點算? [/quote]
What problem do you foresee?
law542005 2019-3-1 18:45
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:38 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
好老師難求,尤其初學者。 [/quote]
我阿sir8級拎145分 一路靠自己殺上去DipABRSM LRSM 同FRSM. 好癲
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 18:47
[quote]原帖由 [i]oboe_bassoon_hk[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:39 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
If you sound like a souna player, I suspect the problem is not in the oboe ...
You are welcome to show me your Chinese oboe and let me try it. [/quote]
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-3-1 18:50
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:47 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
取回後,可找你幫忙嗎? [/quote]
Sure, let me try it when it comes back from repair.
kevinwkh 2019-3-1 19:21
[quote]原帖由 [i]oboe_bassoon_hk[/i] 於 2019-3-1 06:50 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Sure, let me try it when it comes back from repair. [/quote]
另外,我只在通利買Jones的 medium reed,有其他好的介紹嗎?
oboe_bassoon_hk 2019-3-1 19:38
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 07:21 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
另外,我只在通利買Jones的 medium reed,有其他好的介紹嗎?
我知好多老師會教或幫學生造reed的。 [/quote]
I don’t have good experience with Jones reeds. My students use different reeds, depending on their physical strength and tonal preference. I can give you recommendations when I see you play in person.
tinlong 2019-3-1 22:14
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-2-28 08:54 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
想問一下,有冇c兄c姐用緊Howarth S40C oboe,造功和tone好嗎?
成人初學有沒有好的介紹? [/quote]你搵個支高級別/文憑級oboe. 唔係初學.
[table][tr][td=2,1]Graduate Oboes[/td][td][/td][td=1,1,90]UK Price
[url=][color=#0000ff]ex VAT[/color][/url][/td][td=1,1,90]UK Price
[url=][color=#0000ff]inc VAT[/color][/url][/td][/tr][tr][td][url=][color=#0000ff][img=18,18][/img][/color][/url][/td][td]Howarth S40C Dual System Oboe (Conservatoire with Thumbplate) with 3rd octave key - Designed for the diploma-level player.[/td][td] [/td][td]£2,995.83[/td][td]£3,595.00[/td][/tr][/table]
tinlong 2019-3-1 23:08
[quote]原帖由 [i]kevinwkh[/i] 於 2019-3-1 07:21 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
另外,我只在通利買Jones的 medium reed,有其他好的介紹嗎?
我知好多老師會教或幫學生造reed的。 [/quote]
吹oboe及bassoon, 起碼要學扎/批簧片, 識做吹咀更加好.
持久力強 2019-3-2 09:12
[quote]原帖由 [i]tinlong[/i] 於 2019-3-1 10:14 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
你搵個支高級別/文憑級oboe. 唔係初學.
Graduate OboesUK Price
ex VATUK Price
inc VAT[img][/img]Howarth S40C Dual System Oboe (Conservatoire with Thumbplate) with 3rd octave key - De ... [/quote]
大陸oboe賣廣告都話自己枝野係professional model啦
tinlong 2019-3-2 11:19
[quote]原帖由 [i]持久力強[/i] 於 2019-3-2 09:12 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
大陸oboe賣廣告都話自己枝野係professional model啦
香港校際比賽啲學生都唔會用支S40C(小孩除外) [/quote]
以其網頁嘅價錢成3萬, 我就要試過至買.