mariomaker 2020-4-3 11:48
辦公室A - 香港,10 多台電腦 + 1 file server @ 2008R2
辦公室B - 大陸,10 多台電腦 + 1 file server @ 2008R2
幾年前大陸仲未封 VPN,佢哋直接 VPN 到香港辦公室再 access file server
之後用唔到我哋先搞大陸嘅 file server 之後再 onedrive 同步兩邊資料
google 神唔係無問過…但可能問得唔好,九成 result 都係建議 VPN…
所以想問吓各位有咩方法可以俾大陸連到去香港個 file server?
如果可以俾大陸用埋香港 IP 出 internet 更好(但非必要)
abcd5678 2020-4-5 04:10
If only file sharing.
Use WebDAV for folder share.
Using some web based document sharing application. Like Nextcloud or owncloud.
abcd5678 2020-4-5 04:12
OpenVPN and OpenConnect still work on China.
mariomaker 2020-4-5 11:01
[quote]原帖由 [i]abcd5678[/i] 於 2020-4-5 04:10 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
If only file sharing.
Use WebDAV for folder share.
Using some web based document sharing application. Like Nextcloud or owncloud. [/quote]
badhotdog 2020-4-8 06:01
if only documents and images maybe try Sharepoint
rs2754 2020-4-15 13:08
買對high end嘅von router做site to site vpn 啦
tomchanmot 2020-4-24 02:35
如屬公司用於連接國內和香港office,正確做法是比錢向ISP做一條MPLS VPN或IEPL,一般10M 都夠用,約10000蚊一個月左右。
fb73df974d09ld 2020-4-24 02:47