查看完整版本 : 家中只剩下幾條豬肋骨怎樣辦? | 沙拉骨 Mayonnaise Pork Rib | Lunch Ideas 好煮意

M’Espirit 2022-4-19 00:04

【沙拉骨 Mayonnaise Pork Rib】



What can I do with a few pork ribs left at home? Turn them into Mayonnaise Pork Rib will be more than enough.

If you follow the traditional method, the salad bones need to be marinated for 30 minutes or more. You should add condensed milk to salad juice. However, this dish will then be unsuitable for busy urbanites. This time let me share with you my super quick method.[attach]13218400[/attach]
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查看完整版本: 家中只剩下幾條豬肋骨怎樣辦? | 沙拉骨 Mayonnaise Pork Rib | Lunch Ideas 好煮意