捱過鳥 2022-5-26 21:40
想問一問有沒有人曾經修讀過 BUS B191C 商業關係與溝通(一)? 是否只交一份功課及做一次演講? 容易合格嗎? 請分享:lDD_003:
joanadalam 2022-7-4 08:31
Euroteam 2022-7-4 19:29
BUS B103/191C係教寫公文、書信同點用辭彙,BUS B104/192C先要做簡報演講(可2人合作或個人去做)
要做簡報演講男同學請著裇衫西褲、女同學請著formal一點,著T裇、牛記笠記甚至踢拖係有權將你份assignment判肥佬(亦先旨聲明,BUS B104/194C歷年來的第一份assignment表現唔係太出色,個range可以低至30到高至60-70,如果你第一份做得差,而不幸第二份都肥埋,隨時要明年請早)
捱過鳥 2022-7-5 00:19
[quote]原帖由 [i]Euroteam[/i] 於 2022-7-4 19:29 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=549979260&ptid=30593748][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
BUS B103/191C係教寫公文、書信同點用辭彙,BUS B104/192C先要做簡報演講(可2人合作或個人去做)
要做簡報演講男同學請著裇衫西褲、女同學請著formal一點,著T裇、牛記笠記甚至踢拖係有權將你份assignment判肥佬(亦先旨聲明,BUS B104/194C歷年來的第一份assignment表現唔係太出色,個range可以低至30到高至60-70,如果你第一份做得差,而不 ... [/quote]
我系網頁BUS B191C商業關係與溝通(一)睇到下面所寫既野
我想知道口頭簡報講 D 乜? 內容同要求系點樣, 多謝你分享 BUS B104/192C既經驗
Euroteam 2022-7-5 22:55
[quote]原帖由 [i]捱過鳥[/i] 於 2022-7-5 00:19 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=549986642&ptid=30593748][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
我系網頁BUS B191C商業關係與溝通(一)睇到下面所寫既野
我想知道口頭簡報講 D 乜? 內容同要求系點樣, 多謝你分享 BUS B104/192C既經驗 [/quote]
捱過鳥 2022-7-5 23:49
[quote]原帖由 [i]Euroteam[/i] 於 2022-7-5 22:55 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=550014875&ptid=30593748][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
都係一句要做簡報,服飾分都佔一定比重,關乎導師的印象分 [/quote]
我已入圖書館睇過, 冇提過要做簡報, 我亦睇過 BUS B103, 純粹寫不同形式既公文、通告呢 D 行政有關既書信, 比較實用, 合格率系點? 要做三份功課加一次考試
Euroteam 2022-7-6 14:34
BUS B103
1. Business communication basics
2. Fundamentals of business writing
3. Business writing strategies
4. Business messages I
5. Business messages II
The assessment for this course comprises continuous assessment only. Specifically, there are three assignments required of you, details of which are as follows.
Assignment 1
This is an individual assignment, which deals with communication concepts in Unit 1 and/or Unit 2, and you are required to submit the assignment to your tutor for marking.
Assignment 2
This is also an individual assignment, and the second assignment addresses Units 3 and 4 and is on the topic of writing fundamentals and effective letter writing. Just as for Assignment 1, you are required to submit the assignment to your tutor for marking.
Oral presentation (compulsory assignment)
The ten-minute oral presentation is based on Assignment 2, and there will be a question-and- answer time at the end of the presentation.
The above continuous assessment elements account for 100% of the total course score. To succeed in the course, you must pass the oral presentation and also score a minimum of 40% in both Assignments 1–2 and the oral presentation. Your overall assessment for this course will therefore comprise the following components.
捱過鳥 2022-7-7 00:33
非常感激, 能分享兩科既心得, 起碼有心理準備功課要點做, 口頭報告做D乜, 你而家畢業未呀? 還是仲讀緊呢?