lawmachine 2022-6-14 18:01
Anyone received an offer?
Could anyone please also share what was the cut off for UK LLB in past years?
lawmachine 2022-6-14 22:15
for me, applied in apr, haven't heard back yet
lokloklok77 2022-6-17 21:20
Applied hku ft + pt
No news yet..
韓風正主角 2022-6-20 11:36
[quote]原帖由 [i]lokloklok77[/i] 於 2022-6-17 21:20 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Applied hku ft + pt
No news yet.. [/quote]
My son just received an offer.
韓風正主角 2022-6-20 12:26
[quote]原帖由 [i]韓風正主角[/i] 於 2022-6-20 11:36 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
My son just received an offer. [/quote]
From LSE. 2-1 upper
lawmachine 2022-6-20 22:21
lawmachine 2022-6-20 22:22
[quote]原帖由 [i]韓風正主角[/i] 於 2022-6-20 12:26 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
From LSE. 2-1 upper [/quote]
do you mind sharing whether it is a high or mid or low 2:1?
and what is the condition? (assuming it is a conditional offer)
韓風正主角 2022-6-20 22:27
[quote]原帖由 [i]lawmachine[/i] 於 2022-6-20 22:22 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
do you mind sharing whether it is a high or mid or low 2:1?
and what is the condition? (assuming it is a conditional offer)
thxxx [/quote]
it was a high 2-1 from LSE London. You need to show final result on certified school transcript once available in end Jul.
甜美靜靜地月光 2022-6-22 22:00
Same - I'm BPP Distance learning, overall average 65...
Even though I passed all conversion exams already, no news... :smile_o03:
LAWBABY 2022-6-23 10:01
Hi there, I am also a BPP GDL student applying for PCLL this year.
Are you a GDL student or PGDL student?
lawmachine 2022-6-23 21:45
UK Russell Group uni, LLB
Obtained an average 71 for all law courses, passed all conversion exams,
still no news....
lawmachine 2022-6-24 13:43
do we get acknowledgement from hku for receipt of supporting documents?
onepunchman101 2022-6-24 13:55
[quote]原帖由 [i]韓風正主角[/i] 於 2022-6-20 11:36 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
My son just received an offer. [/quote]
UGC seat or self-funded?
big big difference
韓風正主角 2022-6-24 14:02
[quote]原帖由 [i]onepunchman101[/i] 於 2022-6-24 13:55 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
UGC seat or self-funded?
big big difference [/quote]
To be decided later. In September probably....
韓風正主角 2022-6-24 14:05
[quote]原帖由 [i]韓風正主角[/i] 於 2022-6-24 14:02 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
To be decided later. In September probably.... [/quote]
71 should be good
LAWBABY 2022-6-24 14:15
Congratulation~ May I ask if you receive the offer via email or letter?
韓風正主角 2022-6-26 09:47
[quote]原帖由 [i]LAWBABY[/i] 於 2022-6-24 14:15 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Congratulation~ May I ask if you receive the offer via email or letter? [/quote]
Via email and post.
chloewuhf 2022-6-26 23:30
[quote]原帖由 [i]甜美靜靜地月光[/i] 於 2022-6-22 22:00 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Same - I'm BPP Distance learning, overall average 65...
Even though I passed all conversion exams already, no news... :smile_o03: [/quote]
Did you apply hku pcll PT or FT?
夏至最後的黃瓜 2022-7-1 00:35
just received HKU con offer today via email, ft, gov-funded
BPP GDL (first class). condition: average mark over 73
best of luck to all!
[[i] 本帖最後由 夏至最後的黃瓜 於 2022-7-1 00:38 編輯 [/i]]
LAWBABY 2022-7-2 08:14
Congrat! Are you a bpp pgdl student or gdl student?
cyrilshih 2022-7-2 21:11
恭喜所有拎到Offer的人,記得珍惜機會,努力讀書,因為HKU既PCLL 係好Harsh的,今年我有半班SG既同學肥佬一科或以上...
Doitnow 2022-7-2 23:14
[quote]原帖由 [i]cyrilshih[/i] 於 2022-7-2 21:11 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
恭喜所有拎到Offer的人,記得珍惜機會,努力讀書,因為HKU既PCLL 係好Harsh的,今年我有半班SG既同學肥佬一科或以上... [/quote]
Part-time or full time??
Dantheboi55 2022-7-3 00:02
Has anyone received an offer (whether it is conditional or unconditional) for PCLL 2022-2023 (either FT or PT) from HKU already?
lawmachine 2022-7-3 13:18
[quote]原帖由 [i]cyrilshih[/i] 於 2022-7-2 21:11 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
恭喜所有拎到Offer的人,記得珍惜機會,努力讀書,因為HKU既PCLL 係好Harsh的,今年我有半班SG既同學肥佬一科或以上... [/quote]
好多人話hku failing rate 高
係因為marking harsh or 教學問題:smile_41:
cyrilshih 2022-7-6 10:57
[quote]原帖由 [i]Doitnow[/i] 於 2022-7-2 23:14 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Part-time or full time?? [/quote]
cyrilshih 2022-7-6 11:16
[quote]原帖由 [i]lawmachine[/i] 於 2022-7-3 13:18 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
好多人話hku failing rate 高
係因為marking harsh or 教學問題:smile_41: [/quote]
1. 考試內容非常之多及難。Lectures 聽完都唔會識回答問題,又或唔知佢講乜。
2. HKU 既考試唔會為咗令你合格而設計到份卷好容許,相反我覺得每年既Past Papers 總有幾條題目特登出到跟以往不同,以防考生只準備「罐頭」答案。
3. HKU 既講師好有性格的,尤其而家Online Class,你只能透過email 問佢問題,你問佢地可能唔會耐心解釋你聽,又或比人鬧/串。我地出黎社會工作既會成日話: there's no stupid question。係佢地角度,「你唔好問蠢問題」。但HKU 既Trainers/ Tutors 非常之好,SG不用擔心。
4. 據說CityU and CU既PCLL輕鬆好多,以及會盡量幫學生合格。我聽同學講架咋,我唔知係咪。老老實實,PT Yr1 總共有4科(唔計Civil and Criminal 幾科夾埋一齊計分),可以恐怖有人唔合格3科,2科都唔少,1科就好common...而且,retake 都唔合格係需要重新讀過Year 1的,即比多$11萬學費。
Peanuts2 2022-7-13 03:39
PCLL問題人士 2022-7-13 04:11
[quote]原帖由 [i]Dantheboi55[/i] 於 2022-7-3 00:02 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Has anyone received an offer (whether it is conditional or unconditional) for PCLL 2022-2023 (either FT or PT) from HKU already? [/quote]
May I talk to you
lawmachine 2022-7-13 21:12
for IELTS, do we need to get individual band 7 for each paper?
or just an overall band 7 is fine?
Dantheboi55 2022-7-19 18:54
[quote]原帖由 [i]lawmachine[/i] 於 2022-7-13 21:12 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
for IELTS, do we need to get individual band 7 for each paper?
or just an overall band 7 is fine? [/quote]
Overall band 7 is suffice