查看完整版本 : 2023/2024 PCLL OFFER 報到區

ckyics 2023-8-2 11:32

I just got the conditional offer from HKU PCLL PT yesterday, but I think I am unlikely to pass the conversion Commercial Law Part B to fulfil the condition as I did it poorly. Anyway, still hope to share my information for helping your understanding of the results. 
I graduated with a GDL: average mark between 65 and 70. 
Bachelor's degree: Finance. Master's degree: Accounting.

[[i] 本帖最後由 ckyics 於 2023-8-2 11:57 編輯 [/i]]

TimLa12 2023-8-2 12:18

請問師兄 你計Average Range 係 計Core 9 Subjects 還是 計埋其他非Core 9 既平均分?

ckyics 2023-8-2 12:23

My average marks for 6 core subjects and the entire GDL are the same  (only 0.4 mark difference), so I do not know which one they looked at. I think it should be 6 cores rather than 9 cores, right? Maybe it is different in different GDL schools. 
Hope that it will help.

[[i] 本帖最後由 ckyics 於 2023-8-2 12:26 編輯 [/i]]

TimLa12 2023-8-2 12:54

Yes, I think you are right. I think I just messed with the phrase from the PCLL notes:
"[i]will have to demonstrate competence in the following nine ‘Core’ subjects:Contract, Tort, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Land Law, Equity, Evidence,Business Associations, and Commercial Law[/i]"
Seems like they count on 6 core subjects.. :smile_39:

ckyics 2023-8-2 13:23

I see C Hing. In my GDL, I did not have Company Law and Commercial Law, so I had to take them for conversion. 

Dantheboi55 2023-8-2 17:01

[quote]原帖由 [i]TimLa12[/i] 於 2023-8-2 12:54 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=560292785&ptid=31113355][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Yes, I think you are right. I think I just messed with the phrase from the PCLL notes:
"will have to demonstrate competence in the following nine ‘Core’ subjects:Contract, Tort, Constitutional Law, C ... [/quote]
According to the PCLL Admissions Office from HKU:
[b]Question 22:[/b]
In calculating the All Law Average, do you give more emphasis to the core subjects or to electives?
We give equal emphasis to [b][u][i]all law subjects[/i][/u][/b] studied whether they are studied in the first year or middle or final year of your degree. The only exception to this is for borderline students where as one of the “other factors”, we may look at the average mark of your 6 Core subjects to distinguish between two applicants.
 For those overseas students where we are not sure from looking at your transcript whether a subject qualifies as a law subject or not (for example because it has been run by a different Faculty), then we may ask you to provide evidence of the curriculum studied.
Hope this helps.

questioner 2023-8-2 22:04

其實唔明點解hku 咁耐都唔出啲offers,究竟等啲咪?

questioner 2023-8-2 22:05

感覺大家都係full time applicants,但係city 嘅就一早出offers,但係hku就到今日都未出。究竟有啲咪,尤其係已經搞掂曬conversion同埋成績ok 嘅學生。。。

Dantheboi55 2023-8-2 22:32

我都覺得今年HKU 出offers 係比往年慢咗,我唔排除今年競爭大咗,HKU 要多啲時間考慮出offers

[[i] 本帖最後由 Dantheboi55 於 2023-8-2 22:37 編輯 [/i]]

awhile 2023-8-4 09:53

有冇師兄可以指點一下accept 左offer 要準備既事? 因為工作忙同準備辭職transfer, 唔是太搵到之後流程同時間安排住. 想提前準備一下? 
另外有行bar 既前輩可比d 建議嗎?

ckyics 2023-8-4 10:18

Fortunately, I can finally pass Commercial Law Part B, so I should be able to study at HKU for PCLL PT then. Same as another Ching's question, what should we prepare now for the PCLL in Sep? 
Thank you very much.

當前渺小的銀包 2023-8-4 11:29

Same question! And anyone know when HKU will provide offer for those obtain conditional offer before for the PT course? 🤨

Dantheboi55 2023-8-4 12:46

I believe it may take some time for the Admissions Office to release the official admission offers to the candidates, they have to decide whether to issue goverment-funded or self-funded offers.

mavis_hej 2023-8-4 13:12

First of all congrats! Did you apply for the FT as well? or just PT?

ckyics 2023-8-4 14:55

I just applied for PT as I have a full-time job.

當前渺小的銀包 2023-8-4 15:20

Same - just applied for PT...

baby-crabs 2023-8-5 21:06

今日conversion 出成績,我係CityU waiting list, 仲未收到offer。有冇人係類似情況。

hoho-shanshan 2023-8-8 20:05

[quote]原帖由 [i]awhile[/i] 於 2023-8-4 09:53 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=560335512&ptid=31113355][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

有冇師兄可以指點一下accept 左offer 要準備既事? 因為工作忙同準備辭職transfer, 唔是太搵到之後流程同時間安排住. 想提前準備一下? 
另外有行bar 既前輩可比d 建議嗎? [/quote]

awhile 2023-8-8 22:47

[quote]原帖由 [i]hoho-shanshan[/i] 於 2023-8-8 20:05 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=560441183&ptid=31113355][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

俾第一期學費,9萬幾 [/quote]
有冇話幾時比同可以defer? 因為都要靠non mean test

McTractor 2023-8-8 23:27

Yeah that's my situation right now. I received offer on 1st Aug but the Admissions Office is still deciding on GF / SF

yoyosky 2023-8-10 00:37

有冇人報咗中大pcll不過仲未收到offer? 知唔知late-round offer 幾時派?

StarCharlie 2023-8-11 23:32

Just got PT interview invitation for next week. Can anyone share experience of interview? What will be asked and anything particular need to prepare etc? 

Fingstal 2023-8-12 01:20

[quote]原帖由 [i]StarCharlie[/i] 於 2023-8-11 23:32 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=560518978&ptid=31113355][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Just got PT interview invitation for next week. Can anyone share experience of interview? What will be asked and anything particular need to prepare etc?  [/quote]
Congra to you! 
May i ask roughly what's your average marks of all law subjucts please? 
Unfortunately I haven't received any update nor interview invitiation. Just want to see if I need to give up waiting if I am far. :smile_27: 
many thx in adv

baby-crabs 2023-8-13 09:34

[quote]原帖由 [i]McTractor[/i] 於 2023-7-19 11:23 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=559959358&ptid=31113355][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

想請問有無過來人知道如果上年hku比過我ugc ft conditional offer 但最尾我無fulfil到個condition(f左一科conversion)會唔會影響今年個offer?因為我今年已經交齊曬所有文件考齊曬試,淨系報左hku ft,上年6月尾派,今年到而家都未收到:smile_27: [/quote]
可以知你收到offer 未?

questioner 2023-8-13 13:05


Dantheboi55 2023-8-13 23:31

[quote]原帖由 [i]questioner[/i] 於 2023-8-13 13:05 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=560550583&ptid=31113355][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

其實現在還未收到offer會點樣?FT應該是不是無機會了? [/quote]

Fingstal 2023-8-14 00:41

唔好意思,同問,我報HKU PT, 未收到offer, 是不是也無機會? 謝謝

questioner 2023-8-14 12:04


[[i] 本帖最後由 questioner 於 2023-8-14 12:59 編輯 [/i]]

雨淋迷糊的菠蘿 2023-8-14 16:59

[quote]原帖由 [i]yoyosky[/i] 於 2023-8-10 00:37 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=560470699&ptid=31113355][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

有冇人報咗中大pcll不過仲未收到offer? 知唔知late-round offer 幾時派? [/quote]
Same situation!! 

Dantheboi55 2023-8-14 20:03

[quote]原帖由 [i]Fingstal[/i] 於 2023-8-14 00:41 發表 [url=https://www.discuss.com.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=560566718&ptid=31113355][img]https://www.discuss.com.hk/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

唔好意思,同問,我報HKU PT, 未收到offer, 是不是也無機會? 謝謝 [/quote]
唔使灰心住,港大派offers 可以去到8月尾。
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查看完整版本: 2023/2024 PCLL OFFER 報到區