toylet 2023-5-25 16:50
[National Geographic]The Curse of the Bermuda Triangle (Full Episode) | Atlas of Cursed Places - YouTube
The Bermuda Triangle: Everybody's heard about this stretch of cursed ocean off America's eastern coast where ships and aircraft disappear without explanation. Or do they?
Sam dives into the origin of the curse of the Bermuda Triangle and looks to oceanographers, physicists and probability analysts to get to the sandy wet bottom of this age-old ocean mystery.
[[i] 本帖最後由 toylet 於 2023-5-25 16:53 編輯 [/i]]
toylet 2023-5-25 16:52
[HK01]最危險海域十甲不入 百慕達魔鬼三角「靈異事件」原來有得解!
全文見: [url][/url]
百慕達三角 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書